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San dribbled the volleyball absentmindedly, the rhythmic thud echoing in the spacious gym hall as he chatted with their captain.

The sound of sneakers squeaking on the polished floor, the occasional shout from teammates, and the steady rhythm of the ball being passed around filled the air, creating a lively atmosphere.

Here he was able to breathe.

The overhead lights cast a warm glow over the court, illuminating the determined expressions of the players as they went through their warm-up routines.

"San, what's up with you again? You look like you've got the weight of the world on your shoulders" Hongjoong remarked, flashing a playful grin.

San tried to wave off Hongjoong's concern with a casual shrug, but his friend wasn't about to let him off the hook that easily.

Hongjoong persisted, his tone turning more serious, "Seriously, man, spill it. You know you can talk to me about anything. I won't accept another shit show on the court" Hongjoong insisted, his expression softening with genuine concern.

San hesitated for a moment, his mind racing as he debated whether or not to tell the other about his situation. But eventually, the words spilled out, his voice barely above a whisper.

"I think... I think I'm gonna break up with Yuqi," San admitted, the weight of his decision heavy on his heart.

Hongjoong's reaction was unexpected.

Instead of offering words of comfort or reassurance, he fell silent, his expression unreadable as he processed San's confession.

After a moment, Hongjoong spoke, his voice tinged with a hint of sadness. "Honestly, San, I've been waiting for one of you to finally end it."


For some reason that hurt like a bitch.

San's heart sank at his friend's words, realizing that perhaps their relationship hadn't been as hidden as he had thought. He struggled to find the right words to explain himself, but Hongjoong silenced him with a gentle shush.

"It's okay, man. You don't owe me an explanation. Just do what's best for you. And believe me, she isn't", Hongjoong said, his voice filled with understanding.


As practice continued, San found himself lost in thought, Hongjoong's words echoing in his mind. He couldn't shake the feeling of unease that gnawed at him.


The coach's booming voice cut through the chatter of the gym hall, commanding the attention of the players as he outlined the day's training plan, "Gather up boy's!"

San's name was called out, and he felt a familiar wave of frustration wash over him as the coach addressed him directly.

Looks like he hadn't forgotten about what happened..

Too bad.

"San, you know the drill. You'll be warming the bench for the next few matches," the coach stated sternly, his eyes fixed on San with a hint of disappointment.

San couldn't help but roll his eyes at the mention of the same topic yet again. It felt like the punch he threw in the last game was haunting him, casting a shadow over his performance and reputation as a player.

Someone even recorded it.

In the past few days San had gotten tagged at least 100 times.

With a resigned sigh, San nodded in acknowledgment of the coach's instructions, though his annoyance was palpable. He exchanged a knowing glance with Hongjoong, who offered him a sympathetic smile in return.

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