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San whined, trying to block out the annoyingly loud voices next to him.

Rubbing his eyes, he blinked groggily, taking in the sight of Mingi and Felix seated across from him, engaged in an animated discussion that seemed to border on a full-blown argument.

"What do you mean you haven't started on your part of the project yet? We've had weeks to finish that shit!" Felix exclaimed, his voice tinged with frustration as he shot Mingi a pointed look.

Mingi rolled his eyes, a smirk playing on his lips as he leaned back against the couch. "Relax, Felix. We still have plenty of time. Plus, I work better under pressure," he retorted, his tone teasing.

Felix huffed in exasperation, his fingers running through his hair in frustration. "You always say that, Mingi, but then you end up procrastinating until the last minute. We can't afford to mess this up—Especially YOU can't afford to mess this up! It's worth a significant portion of our grade, how can you even be so chill about that?" he argued, his voice tinged with urgency.

San watched the exchange with a mixture of amusement and exhaustion, his head still swimming from sleep as he tried to make sense of their conversation.

He glanced around the room, expecting to find Wooyoung beside him, but the space was empty.

That's why he was so cold..

Why was the damn window still open?

Furrowing his brows in confusion, San pushed himself up into a sitting position, the cushions of the couch shifting beneath him. "Where's Wooyoung?" he asked aloud, his voice cutting through the chatter of his friends.

Mingi glanced up from his debate with Felix. "Oh, he's just upstairs using the bathroom, I think," his teammate replied casually, shrugging his shoulders.

San nodded in acknowledgment, feeling a sense of relief wash over him at the news.

He didn't leave already.

He stretched his arms above his head, feeling the stiffness of sleep dissipate from his limbs. "Alright" he said gratefully, before settling back against the cushions of the couch.

He was still so fucking tired.

As he sat there, listening to Mingi and Felix's continued bickering, he wondered what had caused them to be up so early. He glanced around the room, his gaze landing on the remnants of their movie night—empty popcorn bowls, discarded snack wrappers, and the dim light of the little clock:


You've got to be fucking kidding.

6 am?


A smile tugged at the corners of San's lips as he remembered the previous night, the warmth of Wooyoung's body pressed against his own, their youngers plush lips on his, the soft murmurs of conversation as they drifted off to sleep.

As Mingi and Felix continued to argue, San leaned back against the cushions, allowing himself to relax into the familiar rhythm of their banter. He may not have found Wooyoung by his side just yet, but he knew that he'd would return soon enough, ready to join Felix side in the argument. And until then, San was content to simply not having to talk at all.

Just as San settled back into the comfortable embrace of the couch, the sound of footsteps drew his attention to the doorway. Seonghwa stood there, a warm smile gracing his lips as he held out a steaming cup of caramel macchiato towards San.

"Good morning, San" the elder greeted, his voice soft and warm. "I added tons of caramel syrup" he added, nodding towards the cup in his hand.

San's eyes lit up at the sight of the macchiato, a grateful smile spreading across his face. "Thanks, hyung" he replied, accepting the cup with a nod of appreciation.

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