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"Hmm", he mumbled, looking at himself in his full body mirror, "I'm not sure if this is slutty enough.. I'm so...Dressed?".

"If you take off more of that outfit, you'll go naked", Jongho sighed, staring at his friend's almost fully exposed body.

"The less I wear, the less San will have to take off", Wooyoung winked.

"How can you be so sure he would even WANT to do that", Felix chimed in, "I mean your first encounter didn't really scream 'We'll be fucking soon'", he said, fixing his hair.

Wooyoung looked at his friend in disbelief, jaw going slack in shock, "How could you even say that? Have you SEEN me?".

Felix just shrugged his shoulders and focused back on his own look.

"What if I just wear a skirt?"


"No", it came from both of the other boys.

"Wearing a skirt basically screams gay", Jongho sighed, "I don't think that'd be a good idea to get into San's pants".

Wooyoung nodded. He was right. San's probably straight, so the best way to get him into his bed nonetheless, would be to also seem straight. If he looks like a 'normal' guy, San wouldn't be too distant with him and he could act like his actions are just 'bromance'.

But actually.. Even getting to the point of Bromance could be difficult.

But that's where the alcohol comes in to help. Cause If there's one thing Wooyoung was sure of, it was his high alcohol tolerance. He could get anyone drunk while staying sober himself.

"Alright", Wooyoung clapped his hands together, "I know exactly what to wear"

"Well hurry up then because it's starting soon"


The athlete groaned, already able to hear the loud music and chatter from outside. He didn't really feel like talking to people right now but honestly, when did he ever?

"I'm gonna get ABSOLUTELY WASTED tonight, let me tell you that", Mingi looked rather excited next to him, rubbing his hands together.

Even though San wasn't entirely sure why that guy was even with his friends in first place, he didn't really mind his teammates presence.

"You always get wasted, there's no need to announce it", Seonghwa chuckled, looking at the younger.

He was walking next to Hongjoon, who seemed a little nervous for some reason.
San took a deep breath, now standing in front of the entrance door, before turning the knob and letting the music blast through the hallway.

The first thing he saw after walking through the door, were some horny people making out with each other. San grimaced, obviously disgusted by the scene. The athlete never liked people like that. People who get all touchy in public with each other, especially at parties.

"Damn look at all those lady's", Mingi on the other hand didn't seem to mind the situation, looking rather..turned on?

"You really need to get laid dude, what the fuck"

San turned away, eyes scanning the apartment until they landed on his target. The alcohol.

He quickly told his friends about his plan, before he walked to the little bar himself.
finally, he thought, pouring himself a drink, enjoying his little alone time until-

"Oh Hyung!"

San turned to his side, only to be met with a pink haired guy who, let's just say wasn't wearing much.

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