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"Why did you guys take so long? Had a quick fuck on your way here?", Jongho spat the moment he saw San and Wooyoung enter the Spa's lobby.

Not funny.

"I'm didn't come here for that, Jongho. I really need to relax right now and I'd prefer if you would speak to me formally. I'm older than you and we're not even close to being friends. Stay respectful, please"

San sighed as he watched the others stiffen slightly, no-one speaking a word.

Still, the athlete got what he wanted as Jongho hesitantly nodded, bowing slightly.

He didn't mean for the night to start this uncomfortable but San was tired.

These last days haven't been easy on him and the only reason he decided to join the others here was because of the Spa.

Not fucking, not making friends, simply relaxing.

Honestly speaking, San would've actually preferred it if Wooyoung had joined Lia in her car as he didn't really feel like making much conversation today.

"Shall we go in now?", Felix gently broke the silence that had spread before holding up the Qr-code on his phone.

The others agreed and made their way to the entrance.

The check in was easy and fast, much to San's satisfaction, and they went into the changing rooms where everyone had their own cabin to get ready in.

"Hey, hyung", he heard Wooyoungs voice through the thin walls, "You ready? I'm done here"

San just hummed in response before quickly tossing his hoodie into the bag he had brought, leaving him in only his black shorts.

The athlete locked his bag inside one of the rooms and joined Wooyoung who was already standing in front of a big glass door.

San could already see the insides of the Spa.

The sight of whirlpools, massage chairs and snack bars making him feel all cozy inside.

This was exactly what he needed.

As San and Wooyoung stepped into the tranquil haven of the spa's relaxation area, a sense of calm washed over them like a gentle wave. The soft lighting and soothing music enveloped them, casting a warm glow over the serene space. San breathed in deeply, the scent of lavender and eucalyptus filling his senses and lulling him into a state of relaxation.

The warmth of the air embraced him like a comforting hug as he made his way over to one of the plush loungers, the soft fabric beckoning him to sink into its embrace. With a contented sigh, San placed his towel and phone on top of the lounger, his muscles already beginning to unwind in anticipation of the blissful relaxation to come.

Turning to Wooyoung, San offered him a small smile. "I'm going to have a quick shower in the rainforest showers and then I'll join you in the whirlpool," he explained, his voice low and tranquil.

Wooyoung nodded in understanding, a relaxed smile playing at the corners of his lips. "Sure, hyung" he replied, his gaze drifting around the tranquil space in awe.

As San made his way towards the rainforest showers, he couldn't help but marvel at the serene beauty of the spa. The gentle trickle of waterfalls and the soft rustle of leaves created a symphony of nature's sounds, soothing his frayed nerves and calming his restless mind.

Entering the rainforest showers, San closed his eyes and let the warm water cascade over his body, washing away the stresses of the day and leaving him feeling refreshed and rejuvenated. The rhythmic patter of the water against his skin was like a gentle massage, easing away the tension and leaving him feeling weightless and free.

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