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          !Slight Usage of homophobic slurs!


As San re-entered the party, still reeling from the unexpected encounter with Wooyoung, he attempted to blend back into the lively atmosphere with his teammates.

However, before he could fully immerse himself, his girlfriend's voice cut through the noise with a sharp edge.

"Finally decided to show up, huh?" she remarked, her tone laced with sarcasm as she approached him.

San shot her a withering glare, his irritation flaring at her tone. "Can't you just give it a rest, Yuqi? I don't need your constant nagging."

Her eyes narrowed in frustration. "Well, excuse me for wanting to spend time with my boyfriend instead of watching him disappear with some random guy. What took you so long anyway?"

San's jaw tightened at her mention of Wooyoung, his guilt simmering beneath the surface. "He's not just some random guy, okay? And I don't need your permission to talk to anyone. Besides, for your information, I was just educating him about decency at party's"

Yuqi scoffed, her annoyance evident. "Fine, talk to whoever you want. But don't expect me to stick around and watch you make a fool of yourself! And I really hope that you and that twink don't have something going on. Cheating is one thing but I won't get cheated on by a faggot!"

San's patience snapped at her accusation, his tone sharp as he shot back, "Oh, like you're one to talk. Maybe if you weren't always up in my business, I wouldn't need to find someone else to talk to. At least that twink can get me hard"

With that, he turned away from her, his frustration driving him to seek solace in the bottom of a bottle.

Did he actually just say that?

If he was asked to describe his feelings at the moment, he'd probably answer with a mixture of anger, annoyance, frustration and lust.

Three of those being caused by Yuqi and Wooyoung, one by Wooyoung only.

As San continued to drown his frustrations in alcohol, his mind grew hazy and his inhibitions faded away. Each drink dulled the ache of guilt and resentment, numbing the pain of his crumbling relationship with Yuqi.

How did he even end up here?

What did he do to deserve all of the bullshit going on?

It's not like he asked to be seated next to her on that damn plane.

It's not like he expected that to be the last time he-

"San, buddy, you look like you could use another drink," Yoongi remarked, his voice tinged with concern as he gestured to the empty glass in San's hand.

San's lips curled into a drunken grin as he nodded eagerly, welcoming the distraction from his swirling thoughts. "Hell yeah, Yoongi. Keep 'em coming."

As Yoongi poured him another drink, San's mind began to drift, the alcohol fueling a sense of reckless abandon. His anger towards Yuqi transformed into something different, something raw and primal, as desire stirred deep within him.

With each passing moment, San's inhibitions crumbled further, his gaze lingering on the pulsing lights and thumping music that surrounded him. And as he lost himself in the rhythm of the night, he couldn't shake the feeling that something was about to change, something that would alter the course of his life forever.

As San continued to indulge in shot after shot with Yoongi, the haze of alcohol clouding his senses, his gaze drifted across the crowded dance floor. Amidst the pulsing lights and thumping music, he caught sight of Wooyoung, moving with a fluid grace that captured San's attention like a moth to a flame.

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