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...Saturday night

"Heyyy stoppp, I'm not done drinking yet", he complained, giving San his big puppy eyes.
San smirked, looking the shorter guy up and down, "I know"
He swiftly grabbed two shot glasses,
"Me neither"

"Eyo bro, there you are!", Hongjoon walked into the kitchen, breathing heavily, "I thought you left already".

The guy looked like he'd been run over by a bus. Eyes glossy, red neck and sweat all over him. Hongjoon leaned on the countertop to support his wobbly legs, which were extremely close to just giving up on him.

„The fuck happened to you?", San asked, raising his eyebrow in an amused manner.

His friend just waved his hand in front of his face, shushing the taller, „Rough night".

San just chuckled at his behavior before turning his attention back to the pretty boy.

„So", he filled up two shot glasses, quickly glancing at Hongjoon before adding a third, „Let's get wasted, shall we?".

The two shorter men happily accepted the offer and quickly gulped down their liquor. San joined them, emptying his glass in one big sip. The vodka tasted  like pure medicine, causing him to scrunch up his nose in disgust. If one thing was for sure, then that this vodka wasn't exactly expensive.

They probably found that shit on the streets, the athlete thought.

„Holy fuck that's so disgusting", Hongjoon spoke his mind, still coughing. San nodded in agreement, setting down his glass.

He turned to look the other guy who hasn't said anything yet, just to be greeted by a big smile.
„How can you not die? You don't exactly look like a drinker?", San asked the shorter in disbelief.

„I've reached a pointtt", he hiccuped, "Where anything I drink just tastes the sameee. Like woter".

„You mean water?", Hongjoon asked.

„I'm from Australia"



"FELIX, there you are!"

"Why the fuck is everyone searching us? This kitchen is literally OPEN-Oh it's pinkie pie"

Wooyoung just stared at him, dumbfounded, "Where'd you get that name from?"

"Mingi", San replied nonchalantly, reaching for the vodka again.

"Well, it's certainly not our fault that you guys just wandered off somewhere?", Wooyoung huffed.

"Yeah what the fuck did you expect?", San groaned, now adding a fourth shot glass to the table, "We've been here for literally an hour and everything's already so messy.

Aren't things happening a little too quick? Can't we just drink and chill for fucks sake?"

"Chill? The author has things to do"






San hastily stood up, gabbing the bedsheets to hide his body on instinct, accidentally ripping them off of Felix.

"Bro what the fuck", he yelled, quickly hiding his private parts with his hands, "You're not even naked, I am! Chill the fuck out!"

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