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As Wooyoung, Felix, and Jongho made their way out of the exam room, Wooyoung couldn't help but let out an exaggerated sigh, accompanied by theatrical fake tears streaming down his face. He began to bemoan the difficulty of the exam, lamenting loudly about the unfairness of it all.

Felix, walking beside him, couldn't contain his laughter at Wooyoung's antics. "Come on, Wooyoung, it wasn't that bad," he said, chuckling. "You're just being dramatic as usual."

"It wasn't that bad? I finished it within 15 minutes!!"

Jongho, who had been trailing behind them, rolled his eyes at Wooyoung's theatrics. "Seriously, dude, get over yourself," he said, shaking his head in amusement. "It's not like it's the end of the world."

But Wooyoung was undeterred, launching into a full-blown rant about the exam and how it had been specifically designed to confound and confuse even the most diligent of students. He complained about the obscure questions, the lack of time, and the general feeling of inadequacy that had plagued him throughout the entire ordeal.

So basically it sucked.

Felix and Jongho exchanged amused glances as Wooyoung continued to vent, his frustration bubbling over with each passing moment. They had grown accustomed to Wooyoung's flair for the dramatic, but even they couldn't help but be entertained by his passionate tirade.

As they made their way through the bustling hallways of their university, Wooyoung's eyes suddenly landed on Mingi and San, who appeared to be hurrying out of the building. He opened his mouth to call out to them, a smile spreading across his face, but his expression faltered as he noticed the tense set of their shoulders and the hurried pace of their steps.

Frowning, Wooyoung turned to Felix and Jongho, his earlier theatrics forgotten as he watched Mingi and San disappear around a corner. "Did you guys see that?" he asked.

Felix and Jongho exchanged confused glances, nodding in agreement. Without another word, they followed Wooyoung as he quickened his pace, his earlier rant all but forgotten as his thoughts turned to his friends and the mysterious urgency in their movements.

Oh how exciting, maybe those two were ladyboys in secret.

Wooyoung giggled at the thought.

Oh, how silly that would be.

They were quickly stopped though, as Lia suddenly latched onto Jongho.

Where did she even come from?

She was nice but... damn, really fucking annoying. And also way too romantic for Wooyoungs taste.

As Felix and Jongho engaged in conversation with Lia, their attention momentarily diverted, Wooyoung's gaze remained fixed on Mingi and San, who were now disappearing around a corner. Ignoring the chatter around him, the oreo head made a split-second decision.

"I'll catch up with you guys later," he called out to his friends, his voice tinged with determination.

Before anyone could protest or question his sudden departure, Wooyoung darted off in the direction Mingi and San had gone, his footsteps quick and purposeful as he navigated the crowded hallways of the university.

As he rounded the corner, Wooyoung caught sight of Mingi and San up ahead, their figures growing smaller as they moved further away. Without hesitation, Wooyoung quickened his pace, determined to catch up to them and find out what was going on.

Why did they look like they were on a mission?

James Bond wannabe motherfuckers.

The hallways seemed to stretch on endlessly, the sounds of chatter and footsteps fading into the background as Wooyoung focused solely on reaching the two.

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