No matter where

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It was almost 4 am on a Tuesday night and
San had classes in the morning. "Oh fuck this", he mumbled, rubbing his temples.

The last few weeks didn't exactly go well for him and the last thing his mind was able to do right now was to shut up and finally let him rest.

Even though his body was in desperate need of sleep, he still managed to get himself up. With a deep sigh he got up from his usually cosy bed, which seemed to have betrayed him for now. San slowly walked out of his pitch black room, into his kitchen next door. Just about to open his fridge to get himself some sleeping pills, his doorbell rang.

"Huh", San mumbled, checking his phone for the time: 4:05 AM.
Confused, he made his way through his small apartment to see who would be insane enough to ring someone's doorbell at fucking 4AM on a Tuesday. Slowly, he unlocked his door and opened it, what he saw left him speechless. Or better said, who he saw.



San watched as the guy in front of him took a deep breath, trying to look a little more confident.

"Hyung I'm sorry but I-"

"Are they on again?", Sans voice was firm. It was way too early for smalltalk and he knew exactly why the other was here.

"It's for your own good, we shou-"

"Mingi, are they on again!?"

"Yes, hyung"


"Fuck this shit"

"Hyung, please, calm down"

"FUCK YOU, MINGI! I can't live like this! What am I, huh? A fucking animal you need to watch over? I'm a grown man for fucks sake, let me handle my own shit! I swear to fucking god if you turn those cameras on one more time, I will kill yo- no. You know what? If any of you guys EVER try to 'help' me with my 'situation' again, I will kill myself and you'll be forced to watch"

San watched as Mingi, one of the teammates on his volleyball team, sighed in defeat before handing him over a small box of pills.

He knew it.

"We just want you to be able to sleep in peace again"

"Fuck off, Mingi"

San slammed the door shut.

He knew he should listen to his friend and take his medicine but something inside him was stopping him.

Someone was stopping him.

San stared at the small box in his hand before turning around, heading straight to the bathroom.

If he took those pills, he would finally be able to sleep peacefully again.

He walked into the dimly lit room.

If he took those pills, his mental health would increase significantly.

He stepped in front of his toilet.

If he took those pills, he wouldn't be able to see him again.

He flushed them down.


"Hyung, we can't pack in any other suitcase, I need my pink one!"

"Oh come on, what are you? 5? Just use the one I gave you!"

"I can't. I physically can't do that, black is ugly and I wanna look adorable when we arrive there! Have you heard that Thailand has one of the most beautiful landscapes?"

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