Chapter 4

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Marcus had walked into the lunch hall by himself because despite Petra telling Billy to show him around Billy still hadn't arrived, so Marcus awkwardly just got his lunch which consisted of something gross that looked kind of like feet and sat down at an empty table. There were may people staring at him too many for his liking. Word gets round when a child killer comes to school.

"Hey Marcus" Billy jumped up onto the table scaring Marcus slightly before dropping down on the bench opposite him "I think Chico over there's got a crush on you" he gestured to the boy on the table behind them who looked like he wanted to murder Marcus "Or he wants to kill you, probably kill you" he picks up a milk carton with a missing person sign on the side of it "Tomorrow this could be you" he says waving it around vaguely "Famous" he laughed giddily

"Fuck that bully he pushed a girl" Marcus said as he remembered the encounter, they had had earlier today which consisted simply of Chico pushing his girlfriend Maria, and Marcus being the righteous person her is of course jumped in to protect her "What's his deal anyway?"

Billy smiled and began to speak nodding towards Chico's table "Chico's cartel, the Soto Vatos, numero uno on campus. Like the star football kids at a normal school" Billy shrugged

"Dicks" Marcus muttered

"Top of the legacies, kids from the government of criminal organisations as in, hmmm not like us"

"Us?" Marcus asked slightly puzzled

"Well for example my old man is an abusive low rank cop and you're a bloodthirsty orphan, we're losers dude"

Marcus not wanting to speak about his past twisted around again "What about them?" he pointed towards a group in the corner

"They're the Preps they're rich kids mostly CIA, FBI..."


"Exactly, Dixie mob" Billy waved his chicken in the direction of Brandy's group "Mostly white nationalists"


Billy spotted Brandy giving him the finger "Oh, white power" Billy yelled over sarcastically while laughing dryly

"Dude in the iron maiden t-shirt over there"

Marcus swivelled round to get a better look

"That's Leonard, he leads the Hessians, lower on the totem pole but he's got weed"

"So what" Marcus snorted "You got to join his D&D campaign to get any"

"I'm an Elvish thief named Jizzledim" Billy announced proudly

Marcus gave a short peal of laughter

"Final world order" Billy pointed to the corner opposite "Party bummers, leaders Willie"

"What about her" Marcus gestured to Aurelia who was in conversation with both Saya and Yukio

"Ah young man's got his eye on the princess of King's Dominion, the unobtainable second in command of the Kuroki syndicate, you see her cousin over there that's Saya she leads the Kuroki syndicate, the Yakuza kids" Billy once again gestured to Saya "But Aurelia, she's part valedictorian, part prom queen and 100% a knockout"

Marcus waves over at Aurelia

"No dude no" Billy rushed to bring Marcus' hand down "No, no. You're a rat"

"Well that's harsh"

"No, as in not from the legacy. Umm. You got the welcoming rat bones and seasonal cheese basket"

Marcus uncovered the box he had been given to find a preserved rat skeleton

"You see we're at the bottom of the food chain, no affiliation"


Goes back to Aurelia and her group

"Why did that rat just wave at you Aurie" Yukio said wrinkling his nose

"Which one?" Aurelia turned around to get a better look

"That one" Yukio indicated towards Marcus who had just uncovered his ceremonial rat bones and was looking down at them with an unpleasant look on his face

"Ah yeah we helped pick him up the other day" Aurelia said smiling slightly at Billy who was laughing at Marcus' disgruntled face

"He's a rat don't talk to him Aurelia you don't need to associate with them"


"No but's Aurie, it's for the best if you want to stay with the syndicate"

"I see sister"

"I know that tone Aurelia what are you going to do?"

"Oh let's see I'm going to be fair so sister take me out of the syndicate for all I care, but never, never try to make me into one of them" Aurelia stood up speaking in a hushed tone yet a fire burned in her eyes "A person who thinks that others worth is determined by their wealth or status even where they came from, those are the people who I despise" and with that Aurelia simply walked away and out of the doors as everyone watched in pin drop silence

"Oh crap we messed up" Yukio slumped in his seat

"No she is no longer part of the syndicate, she is not what she sympathises most with. A rat. She must learn her lesson this time" Saya said shaking her head and keeping her face impassive

Yukio glanced over at Saya's face then at Aurelia's retreating back as if thinking his next words over "You're right" he turned back to Saya who only gave a curt nod of acknowledgement

Moving back over to Marcus and Billy

"Hey Marcus" Billy said as he watched Aurelia storm out of the lunch hall angrily "I think we got a certain someone to cheer up "he said as he stood up Marcus mirroring his actions

"Let's go then" Marcus strangely felt concern for this girl although they were only strangers to each other

Aurelia meanwhile had made her was to the martial arts classroom and was now furiously punching the wall seemingly unaware of the damage on her knuckles

"Heeeeyyyyyyy Aurie" Billy popped his head around the door "oh hey what you doing" Billy shook his head when he saw her bloodstained knuckles

"What do you need Billy" Aurelia sighed while she opened a first aid kit wrapping a bandage around her bloodied hand

"I need you to help me with the new kid" Billy avoided mentioning her hands knowing that she never liked to talk about these instances

"What did he do now?" Aurelia said shaking her head although the mention of Marcus had made a small smile creep up on her face

"He tried to wave at you and Saya at lunch while I was explaining the affiliations to him" Billy moaned thinking back to Marcus' oblivious nature

"Well you can tell Marcus that he's free to wave at me anytime" Aurelia smiled wryly

"Wait a second.." Billy seemed to be summing things up "You're a rat" he smiled blindingly "You're a rat" he chanted seemingly oblivious to her face but before Aurelia could react he sped out of the classroom yelling behind him "Hang on stay right there I've just gotta tell Lex that the welcoming party tonight is for not one but two people" he laughed

Aurelia shook her head although Billy's actions made a small smile creep up on her face

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