Chapter 10

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Later in Maria and Saya's dorm

Maria and Saya shared a dorm, although Aurelia and Maria were against each other Saya and Maria had a much friendlier relationship

"During the pop quiz you were awfully close to Marcus" Maria said suddenly from her place lying on the bed

"Lin made him my secret pledge" Saya lied trying to cover for Aurelia

"No shit?" Maria's eyes went wide" So anything that psycho does is on your ass?"

"Yeah" Saya breathed out softly thinking back to her conversation with Aurelia

Saya and Aurelia's conversation earlier

"Hey Saya, can we talk?" Aurelia asked catching up with her on the way to AP Black Arts

"Yeah sure" Saya said stepping into an empty classroom

"Right so" Aurelia followed suit shutting the door behind them "Lin's made Marcus my secret pledge" she noticed Saya opening her mouth to speak "The reason I'm letting you know is that I've chose you as my cover, as you know I'm being prevented from speaking to Marcus so I need you to act in my stead"

Saya quirked a brow at this

"If anyone asks about it especially Maria you are to say that he is your pledge, not mine, yours" Aurelia informed Saya "Got it?"

"Alright" Saya said nodding to herself "You have yourself a spokesperson"

"Thank you Saya" Aurelia let out a breath in relief hugging her sister before rushing out of the classroom to get to her class

Back to Maria and Saya

"I tried to kiss him" Maria pouted

"Why?" Saya asked

"I set him up to take out Chico" Maria whispered concentrating on painting her nails

"Maria!" Saya whirled around looking at her in disbelief

"I know" Maria giggled at Saya's disapproving face "After he tried I guess I felt like rewarding him" she shrugged

"Skank" Saya said "You like him?"

"Oh as if" Maria said turning around

"I think we should stop talking about it-" Saya began to say

"There's a cute new boy at school, but we're not supposed to discuss him?" Maria asked helping Saya up from her seat on the ground and twirling her "Are we talking about boys, by talking about not talking about boys?"

"Why did you hide that from me?" Saya stopped dancing and tilted her head towards the bottle of pills Maria had

"Is the Master of mystery giving me a lecture on secrets?" Maria tried to deflect the question

"I thought you trusted me"

There was a pregnant pause before Maria began to speak again "I had diarrhoea last week, and I didn't tell you about that"

"This is much bigger than diarrhoea" Saya shook her head

"It was pretty bad" Maria chimed in

Saya's face remained serious "Well, you gotta be careful, cause if I found out. Someone else could too" she looked at Maria imploringly "We have to take time out for fun, the party's just what we need" Saya referred to the party at Shabnam's later in the evening "It would be so much better, if you did not bring him"

"It's complicated" Maria smiled softly "But, I've got him under control"

"Unless he knows you tried to have Marcus kill him" Saya hinted at

Maria heard the door unlock "Shh" she put a finger to her lips

"What's up?" Chico strolled into the room "Get on your finery baby, tonight we're hitting the town" Chico leaned in close to Maria

Maria looked to Saya for help "Tonight's the big party and we were talking about-"

"Forget the kiddie pool" Chico's patience was running thin "I'm taking you out for some high-class romance"

"You ever ask what she wants?" Saya interjected

"I know you ain't got no man" Chico tilted his head advancing slightly "But when two people are in love, sometimes they surprise each other with nice things"

Maria shook her head slightly at Saya from behind Chico

"Lucky girl" Saya said sarcastically to Chico

To Marcus and Billy

Marcus and Billy approached Shabnam's house from across the street, by the looks of it the house had already been wrecked, and teens littered the house spilling out into the front yard as they made their way to the front door

A/N - Hey guys, sorry for the short chapter I've been kinda swamped by test and exams this week but there's be some more drama next chapter. So stay tuned and please vote and comment, I'd love to hear your thoughts plus tysm for the 106 reads it means the world to me,

Have a good night/ morning


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