Chapter 14

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Marcus was back in his dorm playing video games with Willie watching behind him before Shabnam came out of the shower and Willie's demeanour changed

"You best give me my money Arguello or I'll make it hurt" he threatened just as Aurelia walked in

"Uh I don't have a dime" Marcus stumbled over his words as he saw Aurelia enter, he hadn't spoken a word to her since the night of the party

"I ain't asking for a dime, but I want my 2 dollars, you got till tomorrow" Willie threatened further before leaving giving a curt nod to Aurelia before exiting

Shabnam went red when he saw that Aurelia had entered "H- hi Aurelia" he mumbled

Aurelia just waved lazily before returning her gaze to Marcus "I need to talk to you"

Marcus nodded in return quickly turning around to tell Shabnam something "Hey try Bactine , if you get cut by something dirty it can get infected" Marcus stuttered "Uh, uh not that the dildo was-was dirty, or-or-or your- your mom, uh, I don't know"

"You want to bow out on this one?" Shabnam interjected the tips of his ears turning red when he noticed Aurelia's stifled laughter

Marcus exhaled in relief "Yeah very much" he breathed letting Aurelia drag him out of the room by his hand

"Wait before you go" Shabnam stopped Marcus as Aurelia groaned annoyed at all the interruptions "Here's the old rat tutorial guide, most of this stuff is ancient though" he said handing Marcus the book leaving Marcus no time before he got dragged into Aurelia's room

"Er hi?" Marcus offered as he sat on the bed watching Aurelia pace around

"You're not going to tell anyone" Aurelia stopped pacing facing him

"Tell anyone about what?" Marcus enquired genuinely confused

"Last night" Aurelia hissed her expression cold, she couldn't allow anyone close to her even if it broke her heart

"Right" Marcus mumbled under his breath cursing himself silently for ever believing a girl like her could give him a chance

Aurelia's expression softened slightly at his saddened face as she placed a hand on his face tilting his head up so his eyed met hers "Cheer up, I'll walk you to class" she held out a hand to pull him up which he took reluctantly

"Yeah" he mumbled

Aurelia and Marcus walked through the hallways in silence Aurelia twirling her blade her expression still cold, before stopping at the booth for the legacy dance tickets as a cheerleader handed Aurelia a ticket

"Gag me" Marcus muttered as he saw the theme on the card 'Sleep with the fishes'

"No Rats at the Legacy dance" Aurelia smiled charmingly as she fanned herself with her ticket while walking away from the booth with Marcus

"Oh bummer" Marcus sarcastically moaned "I just had my asshole freshly douched"

"Joke all you want, but be careful" Aurelia's smile turned dark "Week of the dance, legacy hazing is a time-honoured tradition" Aurelia twirled her knife once more this time throwing it in the air "You're lucky you have me to protect you" she winked

A pained scream was heard from the opposite side of the hallway as Billy got his finger trapped in a mousetrap that had been set out by a legacy

"Caught one" a boy called out laughing while his friends congratulated him

"A mousetrap?" Billy retorted his voice shaky from the pain "I get it" he burst into pained laughter as both Marcus and Aurelia cringed at the sound

"Viktor" Aurelia heard Chico call out as he saw Viktor's eyes follow Petra down the hallway "Hey compa you got a rabies shot yet?" he pointed at Petra's retreating form "Heard you nailed a vampire rat" he backed away tapping his head "Eternal life, sure man, but at what price?"

"Communism does not see rich or poor" Viktor retorted making Aurelia smile slightly "Only vagina" Aurelia's smile dropped as her anger bubbled

"I think you should go to class Marcus, I'll be right behind you" Aurelia seethed already beginning to make her way towards Viktor

"Um alright then" Marcus yelled as she walked away before beginning to make his way to class

"Viktor" Aurelia spoke her voice firm as Viktor's smile also dropped when he saw her expression "We need to have a talk it seems"

"But Aureli-" Viktor started

"No Viktor you listen to me" Aurelia grabbed his collar bringing his face downwards so they could see eye to eye "You fuck some whore, ok I'm fine with that" she spoke quietly her words concealing her rage "You fuck my best friend and joke about it, it's a whole other story" Viktor gulped in fear "You're going to apologise to her now or you'll regret it, good day" Aurelia let go before heading off to her next class leaving a stunned Viktor in her wake

Blow Dart Workshop was their first class of the day, today they were learning how to shoot as the teacher led them one by one to practice their aim, of course Aurelia went first her dart landing perfectly between the eyes as the teacher smiled at her start student, Aurelia turned her head to see Marcus who blew sharply on his dart which didn't even hit the target which made her smile at his obvious unskillfulness

Meanwhile, Viktor was trying to apologise to Petra

"Are you ashamed for others to know of our beautiful night?" he asked the girl

" Look Drago" she stated in monotone "you were a curiosity, forget about it ok?"

"Mm" Viktor persisted "you hide your softness and act cold because you fear feelings"

"It's not fear you're picking up, it's disinterest" she dismissed the comment

"Go to the Legacy dance with me" he continued to pursue

"Jesus, you do speak English right?" Petra's annoyance grew

"Rat, Legacy, Jock, Goth" he shrugged "Why do we let differences define us? It's as the song says 'we are the world'"

"Not a world I want to be part of" Petra retorted

"Come to the dance, have fun" Viktor was desperate "you will be under my protection"

"No. Nay. Nyet" At this point Petra was fed up with his pestering and walked away

"We'll get there" Viktor shrugged as he too left as the bell rang

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