Chapter 16

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"With that Russian tosser?" Lex teased Petra in the lunch queue "I'd call you a sellout, but you stand for less than nothing to begin with"

Petra rolled her eyes ignoring his petty insults "Well I'm not in your scene so, meeting your interpretation of what's ok and what isn't" Petra fake pouted "I don't care"

Billy butted in "Next stop, brunch, raise a couple of paper white pups, 'Brent honey I'm home'" he mocked in a crooning voice as Lex chuckled

Petra remained stone cold "This is about what you said last night, about your feeling or whatever-"

"Oh it's cool, now I see where your taste lies it's probably for the better" Billy interjected "Hope Viktor's balls taste like goulash" he finished before walking to their table

Petra shrugged "All balls taste like goulash" before following suit and walking to their table "Not going to give me a lecture on punk cred?" Petra questioned Marcus as she sat down

"Oh not at all" Marcus responded "Hell, I'd give Viktor a firm hand job, to get out of this jive ass hazing"

"Dude you're giving out hand jobs" Billy exclaimed in false excitement

Lex grinned "You might be quieter about it Marcus, but you're judging her too, I'm very intuitive" he leaned back in his seat

"Says the guy who thinks Jaws is a comedy" Petra shot back picking at her food

"Come on" Lex argued his point "Nantucket twats chomped by , that shark's a bloody hero"

Marcus chuckled slightly as he picked at his food only stopping when all heads in the cafeteria swivelled around to face them as Chico approached their table

"Are you all enjoying lunch? Special recipe today" Chico asked practically beaming

Billy promptly dropped his fork before slowly picking up a rat's tail from his food

"Rat" Chico said sounding proud "the other white meat" as the cafeteria burst into laughter while the Rat's scrambled to get to the bathroom while Marcus slowly picked up his belongings before following suit


Saya, Aurelia and Maria sat on the other side of the cafeteria watching Chico as he taunted the rats

"Don't even think about it" Saya cautioned Aurelia as she saw the girl tense in her seat as she watched her friends be ridiculed in front of the whole school

"I wasn't" Aurelia slipped her face into a neutral one before careful loosening her grip on her fork as Chico sauntered over

"Enjoy the show?" he asked slipping an arm around Maria's waist

Aurelia's eyes flashed dangerously as she tried to ease her inner turmoil

"How creative of you?" Saya drawled jumping in before her sister did something stupid

"I try my best" Chico grinned "Hermana?" Chico looked at Aurelia

"Slightly amusing" Aurelia mused letting a lazy smile slip onto her face to satisfy Chico

Chico scoffed at Aurelia's antics "Carnala, eres tan difícil de impresionar"

(Spanish speakers don't come at me I have no idea what I'm doing this is literally google translate, it's supposed to say "Sister, you're so hard to impress")

Aurelia laughed "Well if it was easy you wouldn't try so hard"

Maria smiled at their banter knowing that Aurelia had always been more of a sister to Chico as well as herself

"One more thing Hermano" Aurelia started getting her very best pleading face ready "Would you let Maria come with us to the legacy ball, and we can have girls night?" she looked up at him through her lashes pleadingly

Chico groaned averting his eyes from her only to be met by Maria's pleading face "Ay fine, but be careful and I'm stealing Maria for the end of the night"

"Thank you so much" Maria squealed as she wrapped her arms around his neck

Back to Marcus

Meanwhile, Marcus had made his way to the bathrooms where Lex and Billy were busy throwing up their lunch into the toilets

"You dandies need me to hold your hair up" Marcus chuckled as he watched the two boys vomit

"How are you k-keeping that down?" Billy asked from the toilet stall

"Why are you keeping it-?" Lex added before heaving once more

Marcus shrugged "Not my first rat stew"

Lex and Billy collapsed on the floor "I can feel it's wee bones in my belly" Lex whimpered

"Horror, h-horror" Billy groaned on the floor

Lex stood up "Today we riot, no option but full out class war"

"We'll storm the bastille" Billy added sitting on the sink next to Marcus "Are you in?"

"Noo" Marcus protested "Rain check on uh beating the rich, I'm going to keep my head down and pick my battles" He said remembering Denke's words

Billy gaped at him "If we let them get away with this next time we'll be eating" he paused "Cat balls"

Lex laughed at his antics

"Soldier" Billy called as he jumped down from the sink "Are you prepared to serve your country?"

"This. Is war" Lex responded saluting as they laughed together before looking back at Marcus

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01 ⏰

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