Chapter 8

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A few moments later, Marcus heard a knock on the door opening it to find a grinning Billy standing outside

"Get your ass out the dorm, we're going to a party" Billy said dragging a reluctant Marcus onto the rooftop

Marcus looked around the rooftop that was teeming with students, alcohol and of course drugs letting out a relieved sigh when he saw no sign of Aurelia, Maria, or Chico, this was a good sign right? Soon Marcus was as high and drunk as the rest of the students scattered around the rooftop not caring anymore what happened not even when Maria wrapped an arm around his shoulder coyly, not even when Chico started glaring at him from across the rooftop and being completely oblivious to Aurelia who had started to make her way over to Chico

Aurelia made her way over to Chico "Hey Chico" Aurelia shouted over the blasting music handing him a drink

"Hello Kuroki" he responded looking at the cup suspiciously

"Bloody hell Chico, it's not poisoned" Aurelia said arching an eyebrow

Chico begrudgingly took a sip of his drink "So you don't care about your boy over there with my girlfriend"

"Not particularly" Aurelia responded happily "and he's not my boy"

"Is that so?"

"It is so"

"Mind telling me why Maria has a bloody nose then?" Chico said turning to look at Aurelia properly eyeing her split knuckles

"Me and your little girlfriend had a small disagreement" Aurelia replied cooly her face betraying nothing

"I see"

"And you're not going to try hurt me?"

"Why would I?" Chico said his face growing dark "The little bitch is probably trying to get him to kill me"

Aurelia was surprised to say the least that Chico had figured it out "You knew?"

"I did" Chico said once again looking in Maria's direction "This is her 4th attempt at this"

"She must not be very good at it then" she mused

"I know that he won't be able to kill me" Chico said cockily

"I see" Aurelia said before turning her back on Chico and starting to walk away "Now if you excuse me I have a sister to apologise to"

"Goodbye Kuroki"

"See ya Salazar"

And with that Aurelia weaved her way through the throng to find her sister taking long drags from her cigarette with Yukio

"Sister" Aurelia said giving her a curt nod "I believe an apology is owed I seem to have lost my temper momentarily, and I'd like to be accepted back into the syndicate"

"I see" Saya began watching her sister with a calculating gaze "You say you've learned your lesson but how will it be proven"

"They are simply so, so-" Aurelia found herself grasping for words "Stupid, you tell them one thing and the next thing you know is they're walking straight into the danger that you warned them of"

"Say no more sister" Saya said bringing Aurelia into her embrace "I wanted you back anyways"

"Oh and I did the most wonderful thing today" Aurelia said withdrawing from her sister embrace "I gave Maria that bloody nose she has now"

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