Chapter 1

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TW: swearing

Narrator POV

"Shit" Aurelia mumbled under her breath, Aurelia Kuroki had been sent to bring back a boy by Master Lin and it was proving to be rather meddlesome. She had found him walking past a large group of people, obviously robbing them. Amateur.  She had her fair share of living on the streets before being picked up by the Kuroki syndicate, the world isn't kind to orphans and it had taken her years on the street before being accepted into the syndicate. 

"Hey" Aurelia yelled trying to attract the boys attention, she must have given him the wrong impression as he began to run in the opposite direction.

"This is going to be a short chase" Aurelia mused to herself as Saya pulled up next to her on her bike

"Hold on tight " Saya grinned at her adopted sister teasing her slightly

"I'm not a child anymore Saya I think I know how to ride a bike" Aurelia rolled her eyes ignoring her sister's jab "How about you worry about letting the target get out of sight"

"Oh I'm not worried about that, that I've got under control" Saya said as started the bike suddenly springing into action

Out of the corner of her eye Aurelia caught a flash of the boy's clothes just as he whipped around the corner but as Saya and Aurelia got around the bend they saw that their friends had already captured the boy, quickly pulling a bag over his head to disguise their surroundings.

"You guys we wanted to have some fun too you could have waited for us before knocking him out" Aurelia grinned teasingly

"Well Master Lin did say as soon as possible, so here's as soon as possible" Billy said as he slung an arm around her shoulder

"Fine, let's just get him back to school, Willie why don't you and Billy carry him over or however you want to bring him back"

" I'm all for dragging him along the floor" Lex quipped

Aurelia and Maria shot him a look "I've changed my mind, Lex you carry him with Willie instead of Billy" 

"Aww c'mon that's unfair-"  the Brit whined his accent showing strongly

"It's quite fair Lex " snapped Aurelia stopping him mid-sentence with a look "but I guess we could always knock you out and drag you all the way back to school if you like" she said slyly painting a faux smile across her face

"Fine" Lex pouted "point taken"

"Aww don't look so miserable mate we'll host a party to welcome him on the rooftop tonight shall we" She said as she giggled noticing his sour expression

"I guess..." Lex tilted his head upwards as if thinking

Aurelia punched him in the arm playfully "we're doing it, now let's get him back to Lin before he wakes up"

"You heard the lady let's go" snapped Maria impatiently

"Alright, alright" Lex said raising his hands in surrender "let's bring him back home"

The students walked together through the dark alleyways occasionally stopping to check whether they were being followed , being a student at King's Dominion had it's share of  opportunity but you better beware of what lurks in the dark of those halls don't turn your back on anyone it might end you life. That was how life was for the King's Dominion students and there's no going back.

Marcus' POV

It was just another day on my own. Until her that girl across the street, I had been stealing from a group of rich partygoers making sure to take things that wouldn't be missed: watches, jewellery anything really, it could be the difference between life and death on the streets but it's better than the Boy's home. I would rather be anywhere else but that place. The girl must have seen me stealing as she called out to me. Why else would someone want to speak me? Long story short running didn't go so well for me it ended with me being cornered and thumped over the head by what I assume to be her associates and now I'm being tied to a chair, so yeah my life's gone to absolute shit.

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