Chapter 5

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A/N - So was gonna do a Christmas update but I was on holiday so yeah here's the next chapter now as a New Year update so Happy New Year! And enjoy the start of 2024

Marcus watched as Billy sped out of the room, he wasn't sure what was going on so following his curious mind he walked slowly into the classroom

"Aurelia?" Marcus popped his head around the corner to find her packing away the medical kit that she had used earlier

Aurelia was startled by his sudden entrance and nearly dropped the medical kit that she was holding "Bloody hell Lopez" Aurelia said trying to slow rapid heartbeat "you scared the living shit out of me"

"Sorry" Marcus mumbled awkwardly "I just wanted to ask if you were ok"

"Yeah I'm fine don't worry Marcus, I just got into a little fight with my sister" she shrugged off his question

"About?" Marcus stepped closer to try and read her facial expressions

"It's nothing serious" Aurelia continued putting her stuff away while avoiding Marcus' gaze

"Hey" Marcus grabbed her wrist attempting to make eye contact with her

"That hurts Marcus, let go" Aurelia turned to look at Marcus


"What do you want?"

"I want to see if you're ok" Marcus looked genuinely concerned for the girl standing before him

Aurelia sighed knowing he meant well "Well, I just got kicked out of the syndicate by my sister for associating with a rat" Aurelia shook her head at her sisters behaviour although she knew this was only what was expected

"WHAT" Marcus yelled

"Hey, hey maybe turn the volume down a notch"

"But that's so unfair, she shouldn't be able to kick you out for that"

"I know, but it's what is expected of her and there are rules"

"Oh fuck the rules"

"Don't worry it's not like I've lost all sense of myself and I'm going to throw myself in front of a bus" Aurelia grinned and dramatically pretended to faint into his arms

Marcus frowned at the gesture

"Oh don't worry Marcus I still have other skills, such as the great and mighty art of bitchcraft" Aurelia stood up waving her hands in various obscene gestures

"Bitchcraft?" Marcus raised an eyebrow sceptically

"Yes" Billy interrupted walking back in "The art of pissing people off by telling them the truth"

Aurelia smiled at him enthusiastically "Well timed Billy" she clapped slowly "Well timed"

"I pride myself in being on time" Billy joked while Marcus just shook his head smiling

"Right so I've informed the others about our newcomers party and we've decided on 9pm on the rooftop bring weed or liquor"

"Wait wait I thought we weren't allowed weed or alcohol" Marcus frowned

"What Lin doesn't know won't hurt him" Aurelia chipped in "so I'll see you two knuckleheads later then" she said walking out of the classroom and leaving the two boys by themselves

"She's so..." Marcus began

"I know" Billy said without letting him finish the sentence

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