Chapter 2

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The next morning Aurelia was rudely awoken by Master Lin storming into her room

"Wake up Aurelia, I expect you to show Marcus to his first class"

"Couldn't you have waited until 6 for this it's fucking 2 am" Aurelia snapped glaring at Master Lin for disturbing her slumber, Lin had always been like a father to Aurie

"I know, maybe I just felt like waking my daughter up once in a while"

Aurelia just glared in response

"Oh don't give me that look, be up and ready by 4am"

"Fine, I'll get him from Willie's dorm and allocate him a new room" Aurelia said rubbing the sleep from her eyes "Happy now?"

"Absolutely overjoyed" Lin replied before walking out

Muttering curses under her breath Aurie grabbed her clothes and jumped in the shower, savouring the feeling of the hot water touching her skin something foreign to her until Lin took her in and Saya gave the word for Aurelia to become Aurelia Kuroki after all she was Saya's most trusted companion

Getting out of the shower Aurie carefully dried her hair cur lining it slightly and applying light makeup before examining herself in the mirror taking pride in her flawless appearance, before marching over to Willie's dorm

"Oi Willie open up" she said pounding on his door

"Coming, coming" Aurie heard Willie yelling from inside the dorm and the door opens

"Morning to you too"

"Fantastic now why the fuck are you at my dorm at 4 in the morning"

"Well you roomed with Marcus for the night didn't you?"

"Yeah what about it" Willie smiled smugly "You got a thing for the new boy"

Aurelia rolled her eyes smiling in spite of herself "Oh piss off, Lin said I gotta show him to his new dorm"

"Mhm yeah right"

Rolling her eyes once more Aurelia pushed past Willie into his dorm 

"Oh my god where is he" Aurelia moaned as she looked around the room for traces of Marcus

"Right here" Marcus said coming out of the bathroom sopping wet and unfortunately for Aurelia naked with the exception of the towel around his waist

Aurelia stood still slightly befuddled by the fact that he had decided to take a shower at 4 in the morning 

"Take a picture" Marcus smirked "It'll last longer"

"Why the fuck are you taking a shower at 4 in the morning" Aurelia asked ignoring Marcus' comment

"Well I haven't had a shower in who knows how long so I woke up early" Marcus gestured towards the small heap of clothes that he had obviously been wearing for a long time "Why are you in here, this is Willie's dorm isn't it?"

"Yeah it is but luckily for you I've been assigned to showing you around for today"

"Really, I don't suppose you have any clothes then?"

"Here's your uniform" Aurelia replied chucking a bundle of clothes at him "Get changed and be quick, I don't want to be late"

"Late it's bloody 4 in the morning" muttered Marcus as he walked towards the bathroom "and she thinks we'll be late"

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