Chapter 11

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Marcus and Billy made their way through the crowd as they opened the front door before stopping in the living room where Lex had amassed a small crowd

"Who gets to see my penis tonight?" Lex yelled obviously drunk already

"Oh, so the sores cleared up" Billy retorted

"No" Lex raised his eyebrows before throwing both Billy and Marcus a beer but not before spotting Aurelia and Saya behind them "Look who's gracing us with their legacy presence" Lex chuckled placing an arm around Aurelia

Aurelia rolled her eyes at this stealing Lex's beer from him

"Different rules outside of school" Saya chips in stealing the already stolen beer from Aurelia who frowns at her before sticking out her tongue in a childlike manner

"Shit, is that Shabnam's old man?" Marcus jumps pointing to an old man across the room

Aurelia giggles from beside Marcus "No, he sells herb to the Hessians"

Marcus furrowed his brow "How?"

"Let's just say Chico owed me one" Aurelia smirked

Marcus smiled back glad to be able to speak to the girl again "Oh, let's go make friends with him" he says beginning to drag Aurelia over to the man

Lex however stands in the way "I'm not getting buggered for a joint again"

Marcus shrugs and walks off by himself while Aurelia spots that Billy has been looking at Petra who was sitting at the bar

"Petra really?" Lex said following Billy's line of vision

"You still haven't told her?" Saya looked at Billy patronisingly

"Ok" Aurelia grinned "Walk in like you're everyone's best friend, be the centre of the party, make eye contact" Viktor had started to sneak up behind Aurelia "Casually sit down next to her, but don't smile, just lean back put a hand on your pecker, then ask her if she's hungry for pork" Saya burst out into laughter as she said this as well as Billy

Aurelia suddenly felt hands grab her from behind and thinking it was an attacker, she flipped him over before pinning him to the ground and putting her dagger to the assailants neck

"Nice to see you too" Viktor said from underneath her smiling widely

Aurelia's eyes widened "Viktor, you arse I could have killed you" she picked herself up glaring down at him before turning back to Billy "Listen, kidding aside, you're cute and funny and you're not a dickhead, you're a catch Billy" Aurelia paused for dramatic effect "She's yours" she said before skipping off with Viktor by her side

Meanwhile with Marcus

Marcus had made his way over to the fish tank where the weed dealer had struck up a conversation with another teenager "Oh gravity bong nice, you guys need help smoking that weed?" he grinned lazily

"What are you talking about man?" the dealer shook his head chuckling dryly "Gravity bong? It's a water bong"

"Well no" Marcus tried to explain "A water bong is just a bong, you push that down using gravity"

"It's not gravity dude it's pressure" the dealer leered "Trying to school me, Rookie"

With Viktor and Aurelia

Meanwhile Viktor had lead Aurelia to a table where a couple of the legacy kids were playing spin the bottle and Aurelia sat on the arm of Viktor's chair who had his arm wrapped around her waist as Brandy spun the bottle before Shabnam ran in with cleaning gloves on

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