Chapter 6

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 Aurelia was looking for someone in particular she didn't have a name but she had a location and a face scarred in her memory to match. It was the face she saw in her nightmares when she called her brothers name and he didn't answer his face was the face she saw.


It was the middle of the night and Aurelia had no one but her brother who she had lost in the darkness just a moment ago "Hinata?" She spoke softly into the darkness "Where are you, I can't find you" her voice quickly turning into one of despair after all if she didn't have him who would she have? "I need you Hinata remember you said that we'd find a family together and a home and we'd live together until we're wrinkly and old" her voice rose in pitch towards the end as she let a solitary tear run down her cheek. Suddenly a scream came from the darkness a voice she knew so well "Hinata" she screamed tears flowing freely down her cheeks as she ran it the direction of the scream. Turning the corner into an alleyway she finally saw him, and a man. A man with a gun. The sound of a gunshot ricocheted around the dim alleyway. "No" she screamed her heart shattering into pieces as she watched her brother fall to the floor and time seemed to slow. The man turned around alerted by her scream but realising that it would've alerted the police he turned tail and ran. On the other hand Aurelia who hadn't noticed the man in the slightest fell to her knees cradling her dead brother in her arms. He was so cold.

End of flashback

"Don't worry Hinata we'll have our revenge" Aurelia whispered to his phantom which nodded in return

Finding the warehouse that her sources had directed her to she began to walk slowly into it enjoying the way her heavy footsteps punctuated the silence and the air hung heavy around her.

"I see you've finally arrived" the man stepped forwards from the shadows

"You know what's coming then" Aurelia kept her voice eerily calm

"I'm assuming my next shipment of guns" the man chucked still partly concealed by the shadows

"You assume wrong then" Aurelia drew out her kitana "after all I cant look that different from 4 years ago" she advanced slowly "you know how it felt for a 12 year old girl to lose her only family, growing up on the streets for 4 long years biding her time waiting for a chance at revenge"

The man had paled considerably during her speech "it's you" he stumbled back slightly as if he had seen a ghost "I was drunk I didn't mean it"

Aurelia scoffed moving closer still "you and I both know you did"

"Please I have a wife, a child" at this point he was backed up against the wall

"A wife and a child that will no doubt rejoice in your loss" she smiled cruelly not a trace of the nights festivities left in her face

The man broke out into a run trying in vain to evade his captor only stopped as a blade pierced his back and he fell to the floor choking on his own blood

Aurelia stride over to him turning his body over with her boot and watching. Smiling. As the light faded from his eyes. She sighed contentedly before once again grabbing her blade and severing his head from the body before placing it in a black box which she stuffed in her backpack.

"Now what to do with the body" she spoke aloud to no one in particular before a can of gasoline in the corner caught her eye "that would work" she mused to herself before drenching the body in gasoline and taking out her lighter "this is for you Hinata" she spoke before lighting the corpse and watching it for a second before the acrid smell of burning flesh reached her nostrils and she left leaving the body burning in the warehouse breathing a long breath of fresh air and just staying there staring up at the night sky before walking back inside to find that the body had finished burning and all that was left was a pile of black ashes, so she bent down pulling out a small glass bottle and scooping some inside storing it safely inside of her pocket before returning outside once more. Her brothers memory now put to rest.

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