Chapter 7

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A/N - Before you read this chapter I just want to appreciate the amount of support I receive from @EllaEnchanted_246 she is phenomenal and amazing, so on with the chapter

Aurelia hid in the gloom of the backseat as she watched the boys exit the car and make their way past multiple homeless Aurelia pitied the boy after all how could live in such cruel circumstances before slipping out of the car herself and following them past the other tents making sure she stayed unseen before the boys stopped behind a concrete pillar Marcus indicating for Willie to stay there as he stuck his head around the corner to witness an old man sitting by the fire. He doesn't look like much Aurelia thought to herself but then he started stabbing the table madly with his screwdriver, I take it back she thought immediately. Aurelia watched as Willie took his gun out stepping forwards, releasing the safety, taking aim... before throwing the gun into the bags of trash behind them

Marcus was considerably confused

"What?" Willie asked turning his back on Marcus "Go ahead call me a punk, I know you dying to" he said rounding on Marcus

"I'm not the one who brought you out here" Marcus whispered furiously

"Fronting all this OG shit" Willie broke down "I hate it, this shit ain't me man, none of this shit is me" he said shaking his head "I'm a pacifist, man"

"You're a what?" Marcus practically shrieked leaving Aurelia giggling silently in the shadows

"What's this now" Rory jumped out from behind the pillar brandishing a screwdriver making Aurelia, Willie and Marcus jump before all of them broke into a run sprinting for the exit "Run maggot" the man screamed from behind him beginning to follow after

"Split up" Marcus yelled over his shoulder

"Shit" Willie yelled as he saw the man gaining on him

"Bollocks" Aurelia cursed under her breath running after Marcus as the man followed after Willie

Catching up with Marcus quickly she tackled him to the ground attempting to make him stop running, Marcus struggled in her grip for a while until Aurelia tuned him over so that he could see her face which immediately made Marcus stop struggling

"Lia are you crazy?" Marcus whisper yelled at her "Don't tackle me what it I hurt you?"

Aurelia just snorted in amusement, him hurt her? Never. Before making a silence motion with her fingers

"Oh right" Marcus' eyes widened in realisation he had forgotten about her deal with Chico

Aurelia once again motioned for Marcus to follow her after all they couldn't just let Willie die but before following her Marcus picked up a rusty pipe but Aurelia just shot him a weird look as if to say 'Seriously, a pipe'

"What it's not like I have any other weapons"

Aurelia just shrugged taking out her katana which she had concealed underneath her coat as Marcus just gawped at her before breaking into a run hoping that she could find Willie before he was killed by a psychotic screwdriver wielding old man, preferably not after

Aurelia heard voices around the corner but before she could reach them, Marcus sped around the corner whistling to get the man's attention before delivering a nasty hit to the Rory's head

"We gotta get out of here" Willie said beginning to pull on Marcus' arm but Aurelia knew what Marcus was thinking "Come on man let's go" Willie continued still pulling on Marcus "Marcus? Marcus!" but Willie's words fell death on Marcus' ears and Marcus raised the pipe once more to bring it down on Rory head and with that Rory stilled, the life gone from his eyes as Marcus bent down to retrieve his photograph from Rory's pocket

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