Chapter 12

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Their brief moment of peace was interrupted just as their lips were about to touch and Marcus burst out of the room, Wille had started bragging again about 'his' kill and Marcus snapped tearing away from Aurelia and out of the room towards Willie

"All fucking day listening to you brag" Marcus yelled striding towards Willie "Why don't you shut the fuck up?" he grasped the collar of his hoodie

"Hold up, hold up" Willie held out his hands gesturing to members of his affiliation who had stood up to defend him as Marcus walked out

Aurelia glared at Willie before motioning to Marcus who she could see through the window and Willie nodded before joining Marcus outside "You wanna talk about it?"

"Nope" Marcus snapped he had started seeing the man he killed again, remembering his screams

"You feeling bad about-" Willie started to say

"I don't feel anything" Marcus responded before taking Willie's cup

"You sure you ain't just drowning it?" Willie asked watching Marcus down the cup in one

Marcus lowered the cup before looking at Willie annoyed "Fruit punch?" he turned to face Willie "Fruit punch, pacifism or whatever the fuck that was last night" he pointed a finger at Willie accusingly "Not exactly down-by-law gangster behaviour"

"You don't know shit" Willie bit back

"I know you're living a pose" Marcus scoffed "Why do you act like that?"

Willie took out a cigarette before lighting it "A few years back, my folks got up on the wrong side of some serious people. We were on lockdown. I wasn't even allowed to go outside. Saturday mornings, man, always me and pops. He was cooking me pancakes; I was watching cartoons and then the back door opened." Willie winced recalling the memory "His gat was right next to me but he couldn't reach it. So he yelled for me, told me to cap them and I had no choice. I grabbed it and pulled the trigger. It was too much kick, lost control." Willie sniffed holding back years of tears "I shot my pops in the back of the head. Mom told everyone I shot those dudes in revenge for pops, that's what got me my rep but she knows the truth"

"Damn" Marcus whispered "That's horrible"

"I swore I wouldn't live like him; swore I'd never hurt anyone again. So, Marcus, don't judge me."

"It wasn't your fault" comforted Marcus "You were just a kid stuck in a bad situation"

"Look man" Willie stood up a bit straighter "don't ever call me out in front of my people again, you survive your way, I'll survive mine" Willie's expression turned serious "Cause if they ever find out... I'm dead"

Both Willie and Marcus went their own separate ways and Marcus took up residence slouching against a nearby wall absorbed in his thoughts until

"Why do Mexicans make refried beans, y'all?" Brandy asked from the other room where Aurelia was leaning against the wall sipping from a red solo cup "You ever hear of a Mexican doing something right for the first time?"

Aurelia watched Marcus from the corner of her eye before walking over to him then handing him the cup before winking and walking back to her place leaving Marcus still fuming as he walked over to Brandy and her group of friends

"Hey Brandy, you bigoted piece of shit" Marcus shouted as he threw the contents of his cup onto Brandy's face while Aurelia remained amused before stepping into to hold Marcus back

"That was very entertaining" she whispered so only Marcus could hear as she led him away from the crowd ignoring the string of insults that Brandy sent their way

"Glad you thought it was Lia" Marcus whispered back leaning on Aurelia slightly

Aurelia grew curious as she found Lex prancing around in what looked like Shabnam's mother's lingerie and dildo? No it can't be she thought as she moved closer to get a look but suddenly the atmosphere grew quiet as Lex turned around ominously

"What did you say?" Lex threatened "Don't you ever talk about my dad again, you yuppie piece of shit" he began to repeatedly thump Shabnam with the dildo in his apparent rage "Take your mother's dong, eat your mother's dong" he only stopped (ending both Aurelia's and Marcus' entertainment) when Saya took out her blade cutting the dildo in half

"Cops" someone yelled in panic from outside

"Shit" Aurelia muttered under her breath yet again "Work with me Marcus" she whispered to Marcus who she was keeping upright before moving towards the door as the sirens blared

Marcus and Aurelia stumbled down the steps but Marcus began to shake his head in pain as memories of the night before raced through his head as the old man's laugh echoed through his mind

"Marcus, Marcus" Aurelia shook Marcus gently confused as to the pain he was feeling "Come on Marcus we need to get out of here" she shook Marcus once more trying to shake him from his daze but to no avail "Oh fuck it" she held his face careful cradling it in her smaller hands crashing her lips against his, finally awakening Marcus from his daze as he reciprocated the gesture as his hands found their way to her hips settling comfortably there, Aurelia stayed in this position momentarily lost in the bliss before pulling away, her lips swollen and gasping for breath "We need to go"

"Let's go then" Marcus smirked down at her before taking her hand and pulling her in the direction of King's Dominion as Aurelia smiled her heart beating out of her chest as she ran alongside Marcus all the way back to his room

"Marcus-" Aurelia started as the door closed behind them before Marcus' lips crashed down on hers once more leaving her stunned for a second before she reciprocated the kiss running on pure euphoria moaning slightly as his tongue teased at hers

Marcus stepped back for a second his eyes searching every part of her body as he licked his lips admiring her figure

"Are you eyefucking me Marcus?" Aurelia gasped in mock horror

"Maybe" he stepped closer "What you gonna do about it?"

Just like imagine what happens next cause I'm not writing smut

"I'll always be here to catch you" and they drifted off to sleep and in that moment in the eyes of the two lovers all was well and they slept together in bliss  

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