Step Brother

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I am convinced God hates me. I mean, why else would he constantly send people to piss me off? I'm not THAT bad of a person. I cuss occasionally. I sometimes take my dad's change when it's sitting on the kitchen counter. I laugh when one of my friends fall. But other than that, what have a done to deserve this?

Waking up today wasn't one of the greatest things I've ever looked forward to. Waking up is already a touchy subject but today it just so happened to be even more irritating.

"Aron are you up?" My father's voice seeps into my room.

"Unfortunately." I mumble to myself & push my face even further into my pillow.


Why can't he just go away? I don't want to get up. I don't want to meet his new girlfriend. I don't want to do anything. I want to sleep. I want to stay home. I want him to just stop.

"Aron." My bedroom door comes open. "Oh you are up."

Starring at him blankly I blink, saying nothing.

I hope he notices I don't like him right now.

"You ready?" He smiles.

Of course he'd just ignore it. "No, uh. I think I'm sick." I fake a raspy voice.

"Hm." He walks over placing a hand on my forehead. I knew at that moment I had lost. "Good try though." A smirk finds it's way on his face.

I shrug getting out of bed, pulling the sheets back up & placing the pillows neatly at the top of the bed. I guess you can call me a little "anal". But I'll deny it of you do. I just like things neat.

"Are all your things packed?"

"If I say no will I have to go?" I smile.

His face falls though. Showing annoyance towards my attempts.

"Yes. They are all packed."

"Good." He brightens up. "Get ready so we can leave. I want to be gone by noon. We'll get there in time to have dinner with them."


"Yes, Anne's son will be joining us as well."

"For dinner, or the whole trip?" I raise a eyebrow.

"The whole trip." He made sure to already be halfway across my room before answering me. "Be ready in a hour."

And with that, he closes the door leaving me alone to regret my very existence.

Great. Not only do I have to endure the "lovey dovey", cliche "falling in love again" charade between my dad & future step mom, I have to "try to relate" with her son.


Stomping off towards my bathroom with a loud growl, I slam the door behind me.


"Okay, all the bags are in the car." My dad smiles as he walks back into the kitchen.

I sat at the island munching on my goldfish crackers, not even bothering to look up at him.

"Come on Aron. Try to be a little happy for me."

"I am." I whine. " I just don't get why I have to go. I'm 18. Well capable of taking care of myself."

"I want- let me rephrase that." He stops. "I NEED you to come with me so you can meet Anne. Your opinion of her determines a lot on mine."

"So what are you saying? If I don't like her than neither will you?"

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