Almost the end

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"You look good Aron."

His face had a smile but it didn't reach up to touch his eyes, he looked sad deep down. I could see it because I knew him, just as much as he knew me.

"Thank you." I smile & turn fully to face him. "How have you been?"

He takes a couple steps towards me & gives a shrugs as he looks up from the ground below us. "I've had better times but I'm okay."

I purse my lips & try to smile the best I could & give a couple nods.

Behind us you could hear the faint sound of music & people laughing from the wedding party. The wind blew & I look out to the lake, small waves clashing against the dock making a soothing sound.

"How's Jason?" He asks and i immediately feel a deep tug in my heart.

To ask about him felt kind of like a insult. But at the same time it also made me feel like he didn't care that I was with Jason and not him. Even though I know that isn't the case.

My mind blinks back to the sight of seeing Harry on top of Jason. The sound of his fist clashing into his face. Watching in slow motion as my mind tries to grasp on to the scene playing out in front of me in the most horrific way. I didn't know why Harry was hurting him. I didn't understand anything that was going on. I didn't know why or how I even got in that room. All I knew was that wasn't right. 

Harry turned into a monster that night. I woke up to a demon in that room. His face was formed into the scariest face I had ever seen. It didn't even look like Harry. He was so deep in anger he had no clue of his surroundings. He had no idea when to quit hitting Jason. I honestly believe that if I hadn;t thrown myself between the two he might have gone as far as actually killing him... I couldn't have let that happen. 

"I've missed you." Harry says breaking me away from my nightmarish memories.

I didn't know I had started crying... It wasn't tell Harry had spoke again that I had to blink away tears and look up from the ground I assume I had disappeared starring into. 

My heart twists & I close my eyes, already feeling the emotional build up. "Harry please." I beg in a whisper.

"I know you're with Jason, & I know you still probably hate me, but-"

"You know nothing." I hiss.

He looks at me surprised I snapped at him but looks down knowing I have every right to be.

"Do you think I want to be him? I don't." I snap & walk closer to him. My eyebrows pull together & tears begin to fill my eyes again. "I want to be with you!"

"Then be with me!"

"Oh you think it's so easy huh? Do you even realize how hard it is to love someone who can't love anyone other than themselves? Do you know how hard it is to love someone who always ends up hurting you? Do you Harry?"

His eyes were wide & he wanted to say something but he knew I was right. He knew he couldn't say anything.

"I loved you Harry." I cry. "I still love you but I'm scared. I'm so sad without you, I'm lonely & confused. But I'm those things too when I'm with you."

"I'm sorry Ar-"

"No Harry!" I cut him off as I began to cry. My wine glass hits the ground and I gasp as it breaks. Everything goes silent and the only thing to be herd is my own whimpering. 

What does he know about being sorry? This whole time he made me believe that i was something special to him. That I meant more to him than anything. Then he just hurt me in the worst way possible and through me away. He left me alone in the saddest time where I was made to fall into Jason. I didn't wan't Jason. I wanted  and still want him.....

It takes me a minute but I pull myself together enough to talk. But the tears didn't go away. "You aren't sorry Harry." I close my eyes and shake my head. "You don't know what sorry is."

"You say that like you know what sorry is." He argues. 

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"You blame all of this on me Aron!"

"Because this is your fault!" I yell.

"No, you're sleeping with the guy who's fault it really is."

"What?" I ask.

What is he talking about?

"Do you even know what really happened that night?''

"Not exactl-"

"You don't because you never asked! I was looking for you. I needed you by my side. I was wrong for being mad at you. It took me time to cool off and realize this but i came looking for you. And do you know where i found you?"

"In the room?" I ask already knowing the answer.

"Do you know who I found you with?"

"What... do you mean?" I ask slowly and confused. Although I was confused though I knew the answer, and it started making a little bit of since. 

"Jason." He answers. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08, 2016 ⏰

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