I Need Your Love

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"I need your love

I need your time

when everything's wrong

You make it right

I feel so high, I come alive

I need to be free with you tonight

I need your love."

Ellie Goulding's voice is so perfect, I wish I had it. I have a ear deafening singing voice, the only thing capable of hearing it is my shower head, & that's the only thing that will ever hear it.

"Spencer, how are we going to be able to enjoy the amusement park if it's raining." Anna asks from the front passenger seat.

"The forecast said, & I quote, "early morning showers with a sunny day afterwards. Perfect conditions for a late day outing."." He finishes in a matter factly tone.

I roll my eyes & look back out to the speeding road we ventured down, today is going to be hell. After last night the last thing I wanted to do was to spend a day out at six flags with the family. And I know 99% of the time I will be pared with Harry. I CAN'T EVEN LOOK AT HIM AS IT IS. Much less act like nothing ever happened so our parents won't suspect anything.

God, just go ahead & end me now. I beg you.

"Aron, you've been awfully quiet today." My dad states while glancing back at me through the rear view mirror.

I give a nonchalant shrug & rest my head back on the head rest. "Just tired."

"How was the movie last night?" Anna asks.

For the first time I look over to Harry, our eyes meeting briefly. He looked just as confused as I felt. " It was perfect." Harry continued to stare at me.

My eyes fall to my hands while I fumbled with my second earphone piece. "It was perfect." His words continued running through my mind.

I think Harry & Anna continued talking but I couldn't focus on them. All I could think about was last night.

Harry & I made a big mistake. A big, BIG, mistake. And as much as much as I hate it, I liked it.


"I hate amusement parks." Harry mumbled from beside me. Our parents walked not far ahead of us, leaving Harry & I for quite a awkward walk behind.

I just kept my distance, looked anywhere & everywhere but at Harry, & didn't start any conversations. So far it's been working.

"Aron?" Harry says.

"Hm?" I look up to him.

"Are you mad at me?"

My eyebrows furrow together & I shake my head. "Why would I be mad at you?"

"I don't know." He admits rather quickly. "You've just been so distant since last night."

"Well can you blame me?" I mean seriously. What is there to say? We had sex, that's it. Are we supposed to talk about it or something? Because I rather not.

Harry can't find anything else to say after that, & neither could I. So once again we found silence.

I hate this, I hate how I can't just not take things so seriously. This is my fault, the awkwardness between us, if I could just act casual & forgive my stupidity of last night, we'd be just fine. But no, I can't. Stupid me.

"Was I bad?" Harry asks after while.

Immediately I felt my cheeks heat up & undeniable grin fill my lips. Then it happens, I laugh.

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