we happened

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I don't know why I had a sudden weight of embarrassment & regret fall over me. Maybe because I wanted it to happen? Maybe because I actually like the feeling of wanting him?

Of course it was a fucking mistake.

1. We just met today.

2. My dad & his mom are dating.

Those two alone should automatically terminate the tiniest chance of feelings between us.

But for some reason when it was just Harry & I in the water, all that meant nothing. Like, if I could just get him for a single second I wouldn't fight it anymore.

But that obviously was only me.

"Aron, you okay?"

Yeah, sure, I am perfect. Hey, since you're already here why don't you go ahead & punch me in the face?

"Yeah?" My eyebrows knit together proving I wasn't. I have a unfortunate nack for being a absolutely terrible liar, & I could tell Harry had noticed. So before he could comment I stand up. "I'm tired. Can you leave now?" I ask motioning to the door.

Leave. Just leave & leave me to drown in self pity, embarrassment, & stupidity.

"No you're not. Don't lie to me." The proximity between us closes completely with one step completed by him, I was now staring down at his feet by mine.

"H-harry." I was unable to look at him. Like always, our contact scrambled my rational thinking, making it hard come up with a clear thought.

"What?" My stomach twisted as his deep husky voice rained over me.

He had me in a position I hated being in. I was weak. The tiniest move could make me crumble.

"Look at me." He demanded in a soft sweet tone.

I couldn't speak. I couldn't move.

His fingers gripped my chin, gently raising my head to look straight in the eyes. I didn't know what to expect to see in his eyes when ours met, but the pure hunger inside made me gasp. His once light green eyes, dark.

What was running through his mysterious mind?

It doesn't take me long to find out though, as our lips met forcefully in a rough yet soft & slow kiss. My fingers found their way into his curly locks on top of his head. Pulling gently yet enough for me to lead his mouth across mine.

My heart rate sprang, rising along with the heat inside my stomach. I don't know what it was, maybe how hungrily our kiss became, or how he held me tightly without hurting me, but I didn't pull away. I didn't once think of how wrong it was. How bad this could turn out to be.

Harry's fingers dug into my hips as he pushed me back, my knees meeting the mattress. Our lips didn't separate a bit as he eased me back to where he laid over me, our hot bodies pressed fully against each other.

"H-harry." I mustered up what strength I still had to push his face away from mine. My breathing came out sharp & shallow. "I-I thought you said it was a mistake."

"I lied."

My eyes widen.

The feeling of his lips against mine was something I've never in my life experienced. It felt so wrong. But it was hot. So so hot. The fact it shouldn't be happening turned me on so much. I couldn't help but moan into his mouth. And as I did his tongue slipped into my mouth, his to explore.

His lower torso came down to meet mine as my legs spreaded to fit his width. I thought the situation couldn't get any hotter, but with the slightest effort his hips roll, grinding into my now wet lower half. I squirm as a wave runs through me. He repeats the action 2, 3, 4 more times. Each time a little faster, adding pressure.

Unable to ignore my throbbing area I became frustrated with his slow, teasing pace.

"Please." I moan, lifting up to meet the heavy thrust his hips exerted.

I was in utter disbelief as a grunt fell from his mouth, & then his lips meet my neck. Leaving long wet kisses, sucking gently, adding to my upcoming end.

The speed of our movements increased as he groaned & moaned in the nook of my neck, the heat growing in my stomach. I panted uncontrollably as I felt myself about to come.

"Baby." Harry mumbled in my neck. The heat his breath radiated left the clammy skin of my neck & my eyes flutter open to find him leaning over me.

Closing my eyes as a sudden release of pressure came over me. My body quivered as a feeling of ecstasy ran through my body.

I watched in awe as Harry himself came, a loud sigh echoing through my room. Rubbing between my legs one last time he falls next to me, our chests both rose & fell rapidly along with the ongoing beat of our hearts, our previous actions taking all the energy our bodies once held.

I had never felt a feeling so strong. Never did I imagine one existed. Is it bad I liked it? Loved it? Already craved more.

Staring up at the ceiling I let what just happened sink in.

And instead of my breathing & heart rate slower, it progressively sped up.








Oh my actual god.

I didn't realize I had began to hyperventilate till Harry's warm hand touched the exposed skin of my stomach. "Aron?"

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