Night Life

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Harry's pov

To say I was happy Aron & I would be sharing a room in the hotel would only be the tip off the iceberg, I was extremely happy. This could give me the upper hand in our... situation. She's admitted she wants me, so now I have to give her the insensitive to go for what she wants.


"Dad, why can't we share a room? You know, like a family." Aron attempts to change the arrangements. I couldn't help but smile, knowing it wasn't going to work.

"Because Aron, Anna & I need alone time."

As do Aron & I.

"And the car ride wasn't long enough?"

Her dad's face falls & Aron growls turning away.

"I hate my life." This time Aron spoke to herself as she walked away.

It's kind of cute how Aron is still trying to fight what will happen.

Stepping away from our parents getting our room keys from the front desk, I nonchalantly followed Aron over to a large fish tank in the middle of the lobby.

Her attention was set on a pile of sand at the bottom, her eyes full of wonder. She was waiting for something, that was clear. But for what? I mean, it's rocks. "What's so special about those pebbles?" I ask stepping closer to her.

The end of her lip twitches up, but she doesn't look away. "They aren't just pebbles."

"Then what are they?"

Glancing at me with a tiny grin, she looks back at the tank. Her small hand rests on the glass as she slides it down, closer to the bottom. I follow her movement & lower my height to match hers. "Watch." She whispers. I could see she was entertaining a idea.

I do as she says, & stare at the pile. intrigued by whatever it was she was so fascinated with.

Her fragile finger taps the glass & suddenly the pile comes to life. "wow." I mumble as my eyes watch the fish swim across the bottom.

"He's a fiddler stringray." Aron smiles as she stands up straight.

Fixing my posture next to hers, my eyes stray away from the tank to fall onto her face. She's truly beautiful, & doesn't even notice.

Noticing my silence, Aron looks up to me. "What?" She smiles.

"You know you're very-"

"Okay guys!" Of course her dad would have to pop in. "Ready?"

Aron giggles giving him a nod, I on the other had, was a little less bubbly.

Aron's pov

You know, this last week has defeated all morals I've been raised to believe. Like, since when do dad's let you stay in a motel room alone with another guy? All night. And Harry is very attractive! My dad must be stupid, or very trust worthy, because this is fucked up.

"So Aron." I turn to look at Harry who was sprawled out on one of the beds. That's one thing I'm extremely grateful for, two separate beds where Harry & I won't be touching or doing anything. My kind of night. "What should we do tonight?"

I scoff lightly at his smirk & tone, obviously insinuating more than just a friendly movie or game of candy land. "I vote nothing."

"Oh come on A, let's have fun."

"Don't call me that."

"What? A?"

I nod. "Yes. I get Pretty Little Liar flashbacks."

"You get what?"

Of course he wouldn't get that. "Nevermind." I sigh & fall back onto my bed.

Even though I slept most, scratch that, all of the trip, I'm still tired. Main reason I believe is because I'm bored.

"I know what we can do."

I open my eyes to see Harry standing in front of me. His knee breaks between mine to spread my legs as he crawls over me, a smirk played on his lips mischievously. "Do you know what we can do?" He asks. Both of his hands pressed down on the mattress by my head as he leaned over me grinning.

His head lowered down, the space between us withering away by the second. "Breath." He whispers.

I let out a breath a forgot I was holding, my chest rose & fell rapidly.

"Good girl."

"Harry please."

"Please what?" His breath kissed my face.

I forgot where I was going with this... shit.

"Well Aron? Tell me what it is you want."

"I already told you." I whisper.

"I want to hear it again." His voice sounded hunsky & dark. The hunger he felt radiated off him, I could feel it in my bones.

Why does he do this to me? Why? Why do I even let him? Oh yeah, he's sexy. uh-der.

"I want y-"

Harry's body suddenly lifts from mine as a loud hammering on our door interrupts. "Fuck." I whisper.

Harry ruffles his hair as he walks over to the door, mumbling incoherent words on the way, I assumed them to be curse words since the look on his face wasn't the happiest.

I couldn't see who was at the door but Harry talked to them quickly & soon afterwards closes the door.

"Well?" I ask as he walks past me.

"It was your dad. They're going out."

"Oh." I stand up, not quite sure what to do after that. "So now what?"

"Get dressed."

My eyebrows furrow. "Am I not dressed now?"

"For the club."

"A dance club?"

"No, the glee club." He turns to give me a annoyed looked.

"We can't go to a club Harry."

"And why not?"

"If our parents find out, we'll be murdered! Me especially. My dad is-"

"Aron!" Harry snaps. I stop talking abruptly & stare at him bewildered. "They won't find out." He walks over grabbing my shoulders.

"What if they come to our room & we're not here?"

"I'll text my mom & tell her going to the movies." He smiles.

"What about the time? Are we just going to go to the club for a hour & a half?"

"We'll say we just caught two movies." He shrugs nonchalantly.


"Aron. What they don't know won't hurt them."

The urge to continue arguing was running thin, & he some what had a point. And sneaking around sounds fun. I'm in. "Fine." I hide my inside excitement.

"Awesome. Now-" He turns me around. "Go get ready."

I gasp as my ass is slapped, & Harry had a huge grin on his face. "Fuck you." I hiss & shut the bathroom door.

"Anytime baby." Harry chuckles from the other side.

I just roll my eyes & turn on the shower.

Tonight should be interesting...


Not as good as I had planned, but it's a update. I can promise some freaky ;) business ;) in the next part so please please please please pleaseeeeeeee bare with me!!!!!

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