Run for cover

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Harry's pov

"Your face though!" Aron nearly screams in laughter. My hands rested in my jean pockets while  attempting to block out  her teasing. "Oh I'm definitely keeping this." She nods to herself while slipping  the picture  into her  pocket. 

"I told you  I hate roller coasters." I defended with a bruised  ego.

She giggles  & rolls her  eyes with a  smile. "Harry, I hate clowns but even as a child  when my  mom would take us to the carnival & i had to take  a picture with a  clown i'd smile. You are on  a whole new level."

"I didn't even  know the picture  was being taken!"

"Whatever." She laughs before her face falls apon noticing something behind  me.

I turn to find the reason behind  her state of horor, our parents scanning around the crowds in search for I assume us. No, her dad will not interupt  another  one of our moments.

"Come on." I grab her hand pulling her with me, away  from their  eye reach.

I few turns, short cuts through a couple stores, & making it  to the other side of the amusment park, we were finally able to stop. Our breathing difficult & shallow.

"That." Aron breaths. "Was." She inhales deeply. "Fun."

Only this girl would find that fun... "You're wierd." I grin, earning a punch on the arm.

We continue walking for a little while till we hit a almost deserted area of  the park. Aron is the first to sit  down & I follow her actions not far after. "So." I draw out the word after a long silence.

Aron looks away from the oranging sky above us, allowing me to look into her deep green eyes. "So?" The ends of her plum colored lips turn up.

Without thinking I lean in closer to her, pausing in search of hesitance from Aron, but I find none. Instead she is the one to close the space between us.

Aron's pov

The kiss  was gentle & sweet, something of beauty if you think about it. The way his hand caressed  my cheek, easing me closer to  him. I loved  it.

Leaning back,Harry  pulls me  along with  him,my body resting against  his, our lips not darring to part. It was  as if we were one  person. As if we made each other  whole. They way his loving hands  held me  pulled me into  him in some spiritual  way, &  at that moment  nothing could come between us.

"What the hell is going on?" A deep angry  voice booms from above  us.

Did I say nothing?


I'm  so sorry for making this short, I just needed to post a part before I  lost everyones  interest.... 

Special thanks  to  Sam  for  being such a amazing friend & listening to me while I go through  what I'm going through. She's amazing & I don't know what I'd do without  her.  LOVE YOU SAMMA !

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