It Gets Better

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"And since you & Harry  have been begging for us to allow you to grow up." My  dad says with a  healthy chuckle. "We decided to give you just that."

"Yes." Anna adds to stand next to me, holding me closely to her side. "And you,  Harry, Sam, and Niall have the next three weeks to live alone & freely."

"Alone & freely?" I asked  rather confused & scared  of where this would be going.

And the next words to come out of their mouths, the answere to all our questions, took me completely by surprise.

Like jaw on  the floor surprise...


See, when I said "I'm 18 dad, I need time to myself. A little space. I need to be left alone  to make my own decisions." I didn't  mean  "leave me alone at a lake house with a guy I just  met 2 weeks ago, my  bestfriend,  and that  guy I met 2 weeks  ago's bestfriend."

But  somewhere in my simple words, my dad misread what I was saying.

My luck...

"So." Sam says as she happily stares out of  the window ahead of us.

"Yes?" I ask, almost begging her to  continue on what she was going to say. Ready for my mind to be taken off of the situation playing before me.

"Have you fucked him?"

What? Where in the hell did that come from? Oh my god how does she know? Is it  that obviouse? It can't be... can it? WHERE IS A GIANT MONSTER  TO EAT  OUR CAR WHEN  YOU  NEED  IT?

"Joking!" Sam laughs.

Okay maybe she doesn't know.

"Oh my  god." She  gasps. "You have fucked him!"


"Don't  lie to me Aron." She  says  with a  stern  voice & a even more stern pointed  finger.

"I haven't." I defended the best  I could.

"How long have we been best friend?"

"Since we were in 3rd grade."

"Exactly! And I know when you are lying. You & Harry have fucked."

"Oh yeah?" I cross my arms & raise a  eyebrow.  "How do you know."

"Your eyes get darker when you lie, your eyebrows crease, you bite the inside of  your bottom lip, & when we were leaving Harry checked out your ass like it was a piece of cake he's tried before & wants to taste again."

She got all of that? And  Harry did what?

"You're so obvious!" She laughs out loud throwing her head back.

Ugh  I am! Why does she  have to  be right? And why does she have to be so good at reading  me like a  open book?

"It  happened so quickly!" I admit & automatically my cheeks heat under the pressure.

"I bet. Was it good?"

"Sam!" I snap my  head over at her with a look of absolute shock.

"What? He looks like he'd be a good shag."

Oh how he was. And I bet it would have been  even better if I  wasn't  drunk.

"Look at you." Sam says with a pleased tone. "My Aron is growing up."

"Shut up." I hiss.

I knew  this was going to  happen. Damn  it.

"Oh get your panties out of a  twist & tell me how it was."

"Just let it go Aron. She knows. Now  tell her what has been running through your perverted little head since you met him."

Well,  here goes.

"It was hot." I admit shyly looking away.

Sam screams out in excitement  & oddly it makes the conversation less awkward & a little more  funnier. "And?"

"Honestly I  can't remember  it all. I was drunk."

"Even better!"

"What?" I gasp looking  at her like she's  crazy.

"Losing your V-card drunk makes it a lot easier. It doesn't hurt as much. But-" She pauses to look  at me with  a  crooked smile. "The time after that is amazing."

"You  would know." I  laugh & relax  into the seat. I  think the hard part of this conversation  is over with.

"So have you fucked twice?"

And I was wrong.


"What? Why not?"

"It's just awkward."I cringe at the thought alone.

"Because you're making itthat way."

"How do you know it's not  him?" I ask a little offended  she'd  say I was making it  awkward. Even if she was  right...

"Because I know you. And Harry doesn't  seem shy about sex."

Yeah, he  really isn't. He's a little too  blunt  in my opinion.

"Listen, in my opinion, you only live once. And  I know  that's cheesy but it's true. Since you lost it to Harry, why not  do it again."

"What if he doesn't want to though."

"Honey, it doesn't take a rocket  scientist to see he wants to do it a 2nd, 3rd, 4th & 5th  time."

Her words cause a weird feeling in my stomach &  a goofy smile come to face.

"And i think it's pretty obviouse you do too."

The road ahead of me caught my attention as the thought of Harry & I doing it again began playing my mind. What  if  we did? I mean,  would it  be such a bad thing?


Hey guyssssss, Okay I'm sorry it's taken  me a freaking billion  years to ubdate this story but I've been  so overly packed with things to do it's exhausting. AND the other day my  phone (with the  next  update to this story &  my other story "Fighter on it) was stolen out of my  car, along with this really cute pants I JUST got from  the  mall. WHO  THE FUCK STEALS  OTHER PEOPLE'S PANTS??? Assholes. UGH. Anyways. This was  a short part. Sorry. Hopefully the next part can be better. Maybe  even a sex  scene or something.

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