The Motto

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The smell of bacon fills my nostrils with a splendid aroma as I skip down the stairs & into the kitchen where my dad zigzagged around.

"Morning." I smile & take a seat on one of the kitchen stools. The cold texture touches my bare skin of my legs & I flintch at the sudden coldness.

"Good morning." The enthusiasm he radiated was almost shocking, I couldn't help but look at him with a raised eyebrow & a slight smirk.

"You seem quite..." I pause to think of how to put my next words. "Refreshed."

My dad are very close when he's not being way over protected. God only knows how much I love the man, & I think that's a major reason I over look his suffocating grip on my life. But then again last night when he saw me the way I was, he didn't flip like a was sure he would. Instead he laughed. Maybe Anne is changing him, in a better direction. Maybe he thought nothing of it because I mean, who would suspect some horny connection between their daughter & fiancée's son. Especially the first day they meet. I know I wouldn't if I wasn't the one actually doing it.

"Hungry?" My dad's voice breaks me from my thoughts. Blinking to try & remember what we were last conversating about, I remember it had nothing to do with food.

I smirk showing I saw that he ignored my personal reference & nod my head.

A plate of eggs & bacon is sat in front of me & I lick my lips already imagining the food being sat in my mouth. "Yum." I sigh as I get a bite of egg.

"Good?" He asks with a raise of his eyebrow.

I nod not be able to speak due to my full mouth as I shoveled food in at a increasing rate of speed.


I finished eating in silence as the only sound was my dad finishing food for I assume Anne & Harry. "So." I place my plate in the sink. "Ready to go out on the lake?"

"Uh." He drops a egg on a plate, turning to get another out of the frying pan. "Once Anne gets up & eats I will be."

I nod pushing myself off of the counter & walk towards the patio door, the least bit surprised I'd come second next to his precious Anne. "Alright. I'll be tannin till then." I push the door open, stepping into the beautiful summer air.

I don't know whether I like or don't like his attention fully being on Anne. I always thought I'd love it, me not being under his constant watch. I do appreciate it but I kind of miss it. And it's only been one day...

Peeling off my shirt & slipping my shorts off, I readjust my bikini. It's floral pattern attracted me in the small boutique I found it in. I never really understood my generation's obsession with floral patterns but the moment I saw this bikini I understood.


Harry's pov

"Good morning Mr. Smith."

"Harry, you make me feel old when you call me that." Aron's dad says with a smile on his face.

"Ah." I nod. "Sorry Spencer."

"It's okay, I'll forgive you this time." He teases like I'm a 8 year old. I like the Guy, don't get me wrong, & my mom loves him so I have nothing bad to say. But I don't like the fact he tries to be all fatherly towards me. I have a dad, & he isn't him. "Breakfast?"

"No thanks." I decline as catch sight of a body laid out on the dock. "I think imma go enjoy some of the view though."

"Okay then." Spencer was oblivious to the meaning behind my words. Thank god.

I don't know what it is about Aron, but I knew the moment I saw her in the restaurant I had to have her, I might have came on quickly, but that's how I work. I cut straight to the chase, & it was obvious she had a attraction towards me as well. But she seems to be stuck on the fact our parents have a thing. So? Her & I aren't related. I guess ill just need to show her it would be okay.

Although my self control is unreliable, I'm almost 100% sure Aron will break before I will. She's weak. All I have to do is breath on her skin & she falls limp into my hands. I like having that control over her. But I also like that she's fighting some, I find chasing a girl extremely hot.

Her tan skin of her back glistened under the rays of the hot sun above, screaming for me to kiss it. The urges my body longed for was hard to fight, but I do.

She was still absent to my presence, so walking over I pick up a half drank bottle of water & unscrew the top.

She'll probably be pissed but oh well. She's sexy when she's mad.



I smile when she shoots up.

"What the hell Harry?" Her voice squeaks as she realizes I was the cause of her suddenly wet back.

"Good morning beautiful." I watch as my compliment complicated her ability to be angry towards me, over all it was quite cute.

She stands up & I now got a full view of her body. God she's truly the most beautiful thing I have ever laid my eyes on. All the more reason I have to have her.

"God you're a dick." She mumbles harshly as she stares at me through slit eyes.

Smirking at her insinuation towards me, it was like she read my mind because she rolls her eyes.

"Boys." Her back is turn to me & she sits back down on her towel.

I follow her action & sit down next to her. Our arms briefly brush & at the contact she moves away. Her face was something of a angel, the sun light made her glow, her long eyelashes casted a shadow over her deep dark green eyes. My own stare falls to her lips & immediately I want to kiss them.

"Listen." She pushes the stray hairs that fail over her shoulders back. "I've been thinking about last night."

Me too.

"And, things like that need to never happen again."

Oh I disagree. "Why?"

"Because!" She suddenly stands up. I squint into the light to see her & she didn't look mad. She looked, sad. "It's just not right?"

Standing up I grab her hand pulling both her & I out of view of the house. I push her body against the wall & stand close in front of her. She looked scared, surprised, like she liked what was happening but knew it shouldn't be. And she's right, but what's living if you don't live without a little fun. "Aron, tell me you don't want this." I stare directly into her eyes.

"I-I don't want this."

"I don't believe that. Convince me Aron & I'll leave you alone."

Her breathing was uneven & the longer I stood over her the more it got worse.

"Harry please."

"No." I sternly say.

"We can't."

"No one has to know."

She was weak, I could sense it. To make sure I won this I move in closer, our faces only a centimeter apart. "Aron, I need you." I whisper.

Her body quivers under me & I smile knowing that's all I needed. My lips gently press to hers as her hands rest on my hips, pulling me closer to her until I pull away. "We'll finish this later." I peck her lips one last time before walking away.

My motto is: always leave them wanting more.


I posted this just as something to post. To keep everyone going. I'm sorry, it is really cheesy.

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