"You know nothing."

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The house quickly filled with faces I've never seen. Rooms became packed with strangers & I was forced to stand above & watch.

I gave in to Harry & Niall's dumb idea, choosing to live a little. Even though I didn't really have a choice seeing as these people had already planned on showing up & we had no way of stoping it.

Harry said over & over again that he would just tell them to leave, but I insisted for him not to. I wanted this to happen just as much as I didn't want it to. The inward battle in my head driving me a little more crazy as the hours ticked by. I was constantly forced by the voice in the back of my head to just calm down & go with it.

"Here." A voice says from behind me & I turn to find Sam. In her hand was a red cup. "I know how you freak out silently, this will help."

"What is it?" I ask as I take it from her.

She simply smiles & says "you'll like it."

I tip the glass back, taking a sniff & knowing without a doubt it had alcohol in it. "No I can't." I begin till she stops me.

"You will drive yourself insane before the night is done if you don't just drink that drink, A. Just drink it. You don't even have to drink all of it, just take a couple drinks."



"Okay!" I say.

Sam lets out a squeak & I smile at how adorable she can be.

"You actually got her to drink?" I hear a voice ask & I spin around to let my eyes fall on a all to familiar figure.


He gives me that award winning white smile & a knot forms in my throat.

"Long time no see." He says.

My head almost spins as I begin to think of all the time we once spent with each other. And not all of it was good.

"Aron?" I jump when a arm wraps around my waist & I look up to find Harry.

There was a tension in his eyes as he looked Jason up & down, only making that knot in my stomach grow as the seconds drew on.

"H-Harry, this is Jason. A old friend of mine."

I could already feel the wrench in my chest as those words fell out.

"Nice to meet you." I was surprised when Harry reached a hand out to shake Jason's.

The tension between the two was obvious but it wasn't near as bad as I expected it to be. "Well, I should go find my group." Jason says. "I'll see you around." He was looking at me when he said that last part.

Harry's arm flexed around me as Jason walked away & the next I know I'm cold from the new emptiness beside me. Harry took two steps from me & a dead look fell over his sculpted composure.

"What's wrong?" I try to reach out for his hand.

"Nothing." He snaps. "Niall, come here." He says & walks away.

I give Sam the look that asks "what the hell" as they walk away & soon join her.

"Who was that guy?"

As soon as her question comes out I flinch at it. It was a innocent question with a in innocent answer. "My ex..." I admit sheepishly.

Her eyes widen as I knew they would before a reply I never imagined with the million & one other things I expected came out. "He's hot." She says.

For the sake of my own sanity I choke down what I wanted to say & chug the drink in my hand. I knew this was a bad idea. Maybe I should have just agreed with Harry to tell everyone to leave as they arrived....

Wait, Harry.

I let my eyes scan the party below for a sign of Harry, maybe even Niall. I looked in the direction they both disappeared to but without any luck. As the night went on, I found myself drinking more than usual & worrying way too much. My anxiety grew to a unbearable level & it was confused to whether or not my urge to vomit was from the excessive amount of alcohol I've drank or my uneasy nerves.

"Are you okay Aron?"

A strong grip grabs my forearms & the next I know I'm falling into someone's body. Even in my drunken state I still wished it was Harry, Niall, or possibly even Sam. But that voice was all too familiar & I knew I would grow to regret this greatly in the morning.



But, thank you everyone who have me advice on that guy. Just so you guys know, we ended up getting back together after about a week of not talking. We actually dated for about a month but he wasn't at all the way I thought he was. I ended up breaking up with him but it ended peacefully. NOWWWWWWW I'm with this other guy I work with. He's Italian ;) & the sweetest guy ever. I honestly think I love him... It's scary af. He asked me last night if I'd go to Italy with him to meet his family!!!!!! But I don't know if I will. I've never even left my state. Well I went to Texas once but yeah.....


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