He's Trouble

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Awkward. I had never truly felt it till I was sitting alone in the car with Harry. We hadn't said a single word since we left the restaurant which was like 5 minutes ago, but Harry held a teasing smile on his perfect lips. So I assumed I was the only one feeling the uncomfortable energy surrounding, well, me I guess.

"Aron." He finally broke the silence around us. His accent sending chills down my back. How can I be so strangely attracted to him knowing our parents are going to marry soon? Not to mention I just met him. Damn teenage hormones. "Aron." Harry repeats, looking at me oddly.

"Pardon?" I completely spaced out. Stuck on how beautiful he is.

"I asked how old you are." He grins. A shadow of dimples showing on his precious face.



Oh god his accent. It's so cute. But mixed with his deep husky voice it becomes so much more intriguing. Deadly.

"Yes. How old are you?"

"Freshly 19." He grins over at me.

"Ah-ha." I glance back outside of the window.

Anne & my dad lead not far ahead. Why he asked me if I knew the way confused me when we'd just follow them there. Sometimes I just don't get my dad.

"So Aron."

Ugh the way he says my name. So sweet. So seductive. I honestly have to bite the inside of my cheek to keep myself from screaming.

"What do you like to do on free time."

"Well." I pause to think. "I like to play piano."

He nods, focusing on the road ahead.


That same smirk he gave me at the restaurant danced back onto his lips before he glanced over to me. "I have a wide variety of things I like to... do." He finishes.

I couldn't help but feel there was more behind what he was saying. A hidden message. But before I could think too much more into it, my phone rings in the depths on my lap.

Sliding my finger across the screen I bring it to my ear. "Hello."

"Sweetheart, you & Harry go ahead & go to the house. Anne & have to go to town & get a few things."

Are you actually kidding me?

"But we just came from in town."

"Yeah, we forgot a couple items. It won't take us but a hour, hour in a half at the most."

"Dad." I whine. I don't want to be alone with harry much longer. Glancing next to me Harry stared out at the road, probably listening in.

"I know I'm sorry. We'll be quick. Show Harry around & be nice."

"Fine." I grumble.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

After hanging up Harry looks over at me grinning. "Where to?"


The place was just as I had remembered. As a child when we'd spend the summers here, I always seen it as a magical place. A place of escape.

"Wow, it's beautiful." Harry walked up standing next to me.

The moon had came out full & bright, falling down on the lake magnifying it's beauty. "I know." I whispered.

A warm arm brushed against mine & I look over to Harry he looked to me at the same time.

I hadn't realized he was so close.

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