Chapter 2: Meeting Him

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POV: Arman

I was staring at her. Yes, she looked like an angel with her dark brown hair flying with the wind.

"Didi, Didi, look at the rangoli I made," a random child said to her.

"Wow Ananya, this is beautiful," she replied with a smile planted on her beautiful face.

I took one look at the rangoli and it looked like shit. I wouldn't classify that as beautiful but a nightmare. Why tf did she say that was beautiful?

"Didi, can I see your rangoli?" the child asked.

"Umm, wait," she replied.

Her feet started kicking the rangoli that was behind her. Why did she do that? That rangoli looked so pretty. I'm not much of a rangoli guy but god, I would frame that on my bedroom wall, but that girl was ruining it.

I felt like telling her off for being such a bitch but suddenly she looked back and was like,

"Ananya, don't laugh but I'm not a great artist like you."

"Don't worry didi, can I please see?"

The girl looked back, giving a clear view of the rangoli she messed up.

The child laughed.

"Didi, what is this?"

"That's my Rangoli. Hey, I told u not to laugh."

Then they both started giggling.

WTF. That was her rangoli? Why did she mess it up? That Rangoli looked like it took hours to make. Is she out of her mind?

Then I heard some aunties talking. I know it's not good to eavesdrop but I seriously don't give a damn.

"Wow look at Kiara. She's so nice. She ruined her own Rangoli to make a child smile and the fact that she's not even her blood. Such a bahu (daughter-in-law) material. I'm going to ask her parents for her hand tomorrow for my son," one of the aunties spoke. 

My stupid Subconscious spoke again, "You wish you were him don't you? I have no idea why but I kinda agreed. 

Oh, that's why she ruined her Rangoli. Just to make a random girl smile. Anyone else would say it's nice but I would say it's stupid. She looked up and we locked eyes. Shit, she saw me staring at her, but somehow I couldn't take my eyes off her.

Then someone called her name and she ran towards it.


Later on, my dad called me from the same direction and I walked towards him.

There she was. Her eyes scanned my face. She looked like she was disgusted at looking at my face. Same here women... "Really? You? Disgusted at her face? Stop lying to yourself asshole," my subconscious spoke.

Dad started introducing me to these middle-aged people who turned out to be the girl's parents and the dad hugged me so tight that I felt like he was about to break my spine. The girl started giggling. Yeah, laugh as much as you want.

My phone started ringing. It read Naina. My Girlfriend.

"Sorry dad, I have to take this," and I gaped from there. 

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