Chapter 23: Pani Puri fixes everything

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POV: Armaan 

As we entered the house, I was still carrying Kiara in my strong arms, she was light as a feather, I could carry her the whole day and I wouldn't be tired. 

Everyone's eyes were on us so I let Kiara down. I don't mind holding her in front of so many people but Kiara seemed a bit shy so I put her down. 

Her eyes landed on a photo of her and her dad blowing bubbles at a dandelion field. Kiara immediately started walking towards the photo and grabbed it with her trembling hands. She started walking up the stairs with a weak body. 

"Kiara! Kiara!" her mum kept calling out to her but Kiara never looked back and kept walking up. 

I was about to follow her when Dad grabbed my hand, "I think we should leave her alone for some time. She needs time to recover herself." 

"But-" I started but Ayaan cut me off this time, 

"Bhai, I think Bhabhi needs to be alone... please," he suggested and I nodded. 

"You guys can go, I'll stay here," Gauri said and Dad nodded. 

We said our goodbyes but somehow I didn't feel right to leave Kiara here by herself. I glanced back at the stairs where I last saw her disappearing figure, hoping she would come back but she didn't. Should I at least tell her that I'm going? "Stop! She needs time!" my subconscious reminded me. I sighed in defeat. 


"Bhai, are you okay?" Ayaan asked as soon as we stepped into the Mehra Mansion. 

"Hmm, I'm going to my room," I said and he nodded. 

I ran up to my room still thinking about everything that happened today. A lot had happened in just couple hours. 

I engrossed myself in work and hadn't realised the time. It was now 9 pm when a knock was heard on my door. My head jolted up to see Dadi standing there with a plate with food in it. 

"Armaan beta, aren't you hungry?" she asked.

Armaan, "No I'm fine." 

"It's not good to say no to food beta and how can you say no to your Dadi," she pouted and I sighed in defeat. 

She brought up the plate and sat down next to me on the bed. 

"Do you want me to feed you?" she asked and I shook my head in denial. I wanted her to but it was 9 pm, it was way past her bedtime. The doctor had said she needed a good amount of sleep. 

"No dadi, go to sleep it's nine and what did the doctor say?" 

"Okay fine," she rolled her eyes and left. 

I looked down at the plate which consisted of a large amount of food. The only thing that was running around my mind was if Kiara had eaten.  

She probably has right? It's nine. 

Now I couldn't stop wondering so I decided to call her but she didn't pick up. What the heck! Why didn't she pick up? I dialled her number again but again she didn't pick up. I didn't give up, I kept calling her until on my tenth call someone picked up. 

"Hello?" the person on the other side spoke. 

"Hello," I replied. 

"Who are you?" Who am I? Doesn't she have my number saved? and who was I talking to? 

"Who are you?" I questioned. 

"Her brother who else? but who are you?" Oh, LOL. 

"Her husband," I said.

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