Chapter 11: Good Morning

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POV: Armaan 

My eyes opened to my alarm going off. Fuck. What time is it? 8:00 am. I was wide awake now but damn last night's sleep was peaceful.

As I went to get up I realised that my arm was around Kiara's waist my head resting on her neck and her head resting on my bicep.


I quickly managed to get up without disturbing her.

She looked so peaceful. I could look at her every day, every hour, every minute, every second. What is wrong with me? I shook all those thoughts away and it was now time to go shower and get ready for work.

After showering I realised I forgot to bring my clothes to the bathroom. Shit!

I wrapped the towel around my waist, clearly showing my abs.

Thinking Kiara was not awake I got out of the shower to find her on the bed scrolling through her phone when suddenly she looked up and saw my hot-looking body.

"OMG, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to look at you... I mean you know," she started off and I rolled my eyes.

I grabbed my clothes and went inside the bathroom again to change and when I came outside again Kiara was waiting impatiently by the door.

"What?" I asked.

"Hurry, I need to get dressed," she replied.

Hmm, I gave her a smirk and leaned on the bathroom door so she had no access inside the bathroom.


"What do you mean why? I need to get in," she was losing her patience.

"Okay, but why?" This was fun. Her cheeks started to turn red, she looked super pissed and she looked like she was about to lash out at me. She looked so cute.

Then suddenly she put on a smirk.

"Okay then hubby," she started.

Hubby? WTF

She lifted one of her fingers and started stroking my cheeks and then down to my abs.

I looked at her in shock. This woman was clearly turning me on.

She started coming close to me and my heart started to pound really fast.

This woman wasn't going to stop and I couldn't push her away nor look away, she was too attractive and then she suddenly pushed me away from the door.

Damn it she tricked me.

"Two can play at this game," she chuckled and then winked and she locked the bathroom door behind her.

Damn this woman. Beauty with brains, what a piece, thank god that piece is mine. Wait what? What is wrong with me?


"Damn it this tie," I whispered to myself.

I'm always a pro when it comes to tying ties, I mean it's so easy but today was different. This tie wasn't cooperating with me. It kept getting messed up. That's when I heard the bathroom door open.

I looked up to see her in a dark navy blue sari. Fuckin hell, she looked like an angel, a princess, fuck those, she looked like a queen my queen.

She saw me looking at her but she ignored me and started combing her hair in front of the dresser.

Who dares ignore Arman Mehra, but I really tried to concentrate on my tie but I couldn't, I couldn't stop looking at her as she was putting the sindoor on. That's when it hit me, that sindoor is under my name, that means I own her right? And that mangalsutra literally looked so great on her.

She looked up at me again and caught me staring at her once again from the dresser mirror. I quickly looked down to focus more on my tie. When suddenly a hand was placed on top of my hand.

I looked up to find Kiara doing my tie. This was so attractive.

"You know this is the only chance you're going to get if you wanna kill me," I said.

She tightens the tie with a yank, making me flinch.

"Nope, I don't kill my prey so easily," she replied with a smirk.

Wow, feisty. Damn this girl. But who is this Kiara? The Kiara who was sobbing yesterday to this? What happened? Whatever happened, I liked this Kiara.

"You look good when you smile Mr Mehra," she interrupts and pulls me even closer as she adjusts the tie. My smile quickly turned upside down when I realised she wasn't wrong and that I was actually smiling.

"And done, perfect as ever," she kept her smirk and my eyes were still locked on her.

"OMG, this is so hot! Looks like you guys are so in love," a voice interrupts and we quickly pull away from each other.

"Come in Dever ji (brother-in-law)," Kiara welcomes the monkey in.

"I hope I didn't interrupt you guys. All I wanted to say was bhabhi (sister-in-law) Mom's calling you."

"OMG I'm late," she panicked and quickly exited the room.

"Wow bhai, how was your first night?" he winks.

"Shut up," I rolled my eyes.

"Whatever you say bro, but I know you had fun last-"

I ran out of the room before he could finish because I knew what he was going to say next. 


Another short chapter! 

It would really be helpful if yall can vote so it could motivate me to write but again no pressure 😊

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