Chapter 21: She's going

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POV: Armaan 

"Gauri, you should help Kiara pack her things later," Dad said.

"WHAT!" I shout. Everyone looks up at me in shock.

"What are you saying? Why pack her things?" I couldn't keep my anger down.

"Her dad died, I'm pretty sure she wants to stay at her parent's house for some days," Dad continues.

"No she doesn't," I know she probably does but she's broken, she needs me.

"Bhai I-" I cut off Ayaan, he's a child what does he know? 

"No! She's not going anywhere and that's final! Do whatever you want," and I stormed out of the room.

I headed straight towards the garden to take a deep breath but kept glancing up at my room as my room was pretty visible out in the garden. I sat there for a solid 20 minutes. I needed to calm down my anger before I went upstairs to Kiara. I don't want to hurt her. I have serious anger issues. 

I went back to my room to see Kiara taking out her bags. Is she already awake? It hasn't even been one hour and she's already up.

"Kiara? What are you doing? you need to rest and these bags?" I ask gently.

She looks at me and after a couple of seconds she says, "I'm leaving."

Leaving? Where? Why? My anger started boiling. I'm so glad I went to calm myself down in the garden or else I for sure knew I would've lost my calm. 

"Where and why?" I managed to ask without lashing out.

"I'm going back to my parent's house. I need to be there for my family... I jus-" and she started crying again.

I immediately ran towards her and held her tight in my arms.

"Please don't go," I begged.

She looked up at me in shock. What did I say?

"I have to," she said while sobbing.

"But-" I started but she cut me off.

"No Armaan, please let me go, I have to go."

I looked into her eyes. She was broken. I sighed, "Fine," I let her go but I really wanted to grab her wrist and wrap my arms around her again.

"Hmm," she nodded her head and continued packing.

"Can I help you with anything?" I asked.

She shook her head. The guilt of hurting her has latched on my back. I can't remove the guilt and I have no right to stop her.

"Umm... Kiara... So about some nights ago... my behav-" she cut me off.

"I don't want to talk about it," she said.

"I know, I know, I just wanted to say sorry. Sorry for everything. There was a misunderstanding and-"


Hmm? Hmm? Just a 'hmm' to my sorry? Well deserved Armaan, Well deserved.

I just looked at her packing when my stomach growled. I'm hungry. If I'm hungry, how about Kiara? I'm pretty sure she's in the same state as me.

"Hey Kiara, do you want to eat something," I asked.

An instant "No" came from her.

"What do you mean by no? You didn't have breakfast and you cried the whole morning. You're probably hungry and-" she cut me off again.

"Armaan! I'm not hungry just leave me alone," she shouted at me.

It kinda hurt but at the same time, anger boiled inside me. Why is she so stubborn?

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