Chapter 33: It's just the start 🔥

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18+ Content ahead, beware to my innocent readers and my not-so-innocent readers, please enjoy! 😏⚠️🌶️

POV: Kiara

"Let's get you cleaned up baby," my eyes opened to find Armaan cooing me.

"No," I shook my head. I was tired, besides, I don't think I was gonna be able to walk all the way to the bathroom and wash myself off but without any warning, I felt my legs freely swinging in the crisp air. I jerked my head up to see Armaan smirking. He was completely naked and so was I. His warm, big, rough hands brushed my soft skin, I could feel his warmth against my skin. I don't want him to let go.

Luckily the bathroom door was half open so Armaan gave it a little kick and the door opened wide for us to enter.

He gently placed me down in the bathtub, now when did he set this up? Probably when I fell asleep.

"Okay, now stay in the tub for a bit and I'll change the sheets okay," he gave me a thumbs up and I returned one. After he left me in the tub, I started to play with the water like a little kid, I was happy, I was smiling, and I was on cloud nine. I can't believe this, I was fucked by the great Armaan Mehra couple of minutes or half an hour ago, I don't know.

After ten or so minutes, the door opened up with a click. Armaan stood there with his grey sweatpants and his shirtless upper body. Uff.

"Let's scrub you now," he said in his most dashing and hot voice. He undid his pants, making them fall to the ground and hopped in the bathtub with me. He somehow flipped me, and now I was lying over him. He got the blue shower puff, applied some shower gel and started rubbing it on my body, all parts of my body, making me clean and fresh.

I could feel his hard, bulge growing beneath my ass. I was still craving him and teasing wouldn't hurt would it? I started to grind on his lap.

"If I were you, I wouldn't do that unless you want to be fucked really hard, Cinnamon," his head tilted back. I continued to grind.

"And what if do want to be fucked," I giggled.

"Ki, you're sore. Please don't do this," he groaned. Of course, I'm sore but the urge for him to be inside me was dominant over how sore I was.

"I'm not sore anymore, please Armaan!" I begged, picking up my grinding speed while a moan escaped from my desperate mouth.

"You sure?" Armaan asked me one last time, and I nodded. His hand slowly travelled down my body and stopped near my cunt.

He slowly started to rub my swollen cunt then proceeded to slip one finger in, causing a moan to escape my mouth. Then he added another digit, making two of his rough fingers pumping in and out of me slowly and steadily.

"You like it when I do dirty things to you, don't you cinnamon?" he whispered in my ear, his breath tickling my neck.

He increased his pace and to make the torture more pleasurable, with his other free hand he started to rub my sore clit at an even faster pace. I could feel the knot building up in my lower abdomen, I was seconds away from exploding on his fingers when he suddenly pulled out. A frown replaced my smile.

Before I could whine about the injustice, he harshly flipped me over onto my stomach and thrust his tip inside me. I urgently grabbed hold of the sides of the tub, making me stable. But without any sort of warning, he entered me in one go. I was super glad that I was wet, so his dick slid smoothly in me.

"Ara, you have no idea what you do to me. All I want to do is fuck you all day and night!" Armaan grunted. Ara? How many nicknames does he have for me? Cinnamon, Ara, Ki, Baby and so many more.

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