Chapter 38: I Need to See Her!

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As promised, here's chapter 38! Hope you enjoy it! 💕

POV: Armaan

Shit, Shit, Shit! I fucked up, I fucked up real bad. All I want to do right now is dig a hole and bury myself in deep. What have I done? Someone, please kill me.

As I played the original video, all the guilt washed up on me. The voice was AI fucking generated the angle was shit and my brain was fucked. How the fuck did I get manipulated by Naina and... and Trisha. Trisha? She was supposed to be my best friend, why the fuck did she do this to me?

"I fucked up, I really fucked up and I'm deeply sorry Ari love, but you got to admit, I didn't fuck up as bad as Mr Mehra," Reyansh made me feel even more worse. Nope, I take it back, he's still a fucking jerk.

"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! I fucking lost my Ki and my unborn baby!" I shouted, unable to keep the anger to myself.

"Not gonna lie, I'd never forgive Rey if he ever did this to me but maybe you should try apologising. I can 100% say she won't forgive you right away but at least 1% of your burden would be taken off," Aria suggested and she wasn't wrong, not wrong at all. I don't care how big the burden is I just want my Cinnamon and my little Ki back, I don't care how far I have to go, I need them back.

"But I can't help but wonder why anyone would do this?" Hita said. Good question, why? I get Naina because she's a bitch but why Trisha? Why did she do this? Why? And then something else hit me, some other betrayal I recalled.


"Kartik, could you please do one thing for me? I'm sending you a video can you please check if it's altered or if it's original? Hurry up though, I don't have enough time," I said over the call. I strongly believe that Ki would never do this, maybe it's fake, but it could be a possibility right?

"Damn, did you just say please to me? and that too twice?" he chuckled over the phone.

"Shut up and do your job, I'll pay you. Just hurry up," I said and hung up. I can't deal with him right now, I have way more important shit to deal with.

After 15 or so minutes my phone started to buzz, it was Kartik.

"Umm, so bro look, I just-"

"Hurry up Kartik, my heart is going to jump out of my body right now," I shouted unable to maintain my calm.

"Okay, okay, calm down. So the video is actually original, there has been no altering done at all," he said casually.

"Are you sure? Maybe you made some mistake," I really hope he did.

"No Armaan, I'm serious," he replied and my knees smashed on the ground while my phone slipped from my grip.

Everything is pointing towards you baby, why did you do this? WHY?

Flashback ends

Even bloody Kartik! Was he with Naina and Trisha or did he genuinely make the mistake, I couldn't help but wonder. I mean he is loose in the head sometimes.

"You know we can handle those two bitches if you want, we're kinda known to fuck with fuckers," Aria said, breaking me out of my thoughts. I seriously don't care about Trisha and Naina, Trisha and Naina deserve hell but not before I find out their real motive.

"Thank you Aria, could you guys please help me find out why they did this?" I asked. I would personally do all this shit by myself but right now I'd rather keep my only priority to Ki and my unborn baby, nothing else.

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