Chapter 32: Ishq ka Rang 🔥

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The chapter that we've all been waiting for! 

18+ content further into the story! Will give a warning!

POV: Kiara

"Bura na mano Holi hai!" Ayaan splashed a bunch of blue colour on me as I and Armaan climbed down the stairs to the living room. 

I grinned and got some colour from a plate nearby and started chasing him, "Ayaan, you're so dead!" I wasn't going to stop. 

"Kiara, Ayaan, you guys are going to slip and fall. Slow down bacha," I could hear Ma panicking but I wasn't going to leave Ayaan but then he suddenly crashed into something or should I say someone. There was some colour in his hand already which landed on a very masculine body, my husband's body. 

"I am so sorry bhai," Ayaan started to rub off the colour from Armaan's kurta when Armaan grabbed Ayaan's arm and pinned it behind him with just one of his hands and with his other hand he smeared yellow colour on him. 

Ayaan's eyes widened, "Bhai... you... What!" Ayaan was shocked. 

"Bura na mano, Holi hai," Armaan grinned and I took the chance to apply colour all over Ayaan's face. 

"This is cheating," Ayaan complained while we all laughed. 

The rest of the day went just like this, everyone was enjoying Holi together, applying colour on each other. 

Most of the day I was occupied with guests, greeting them and making sure they felt welcomed and as a new wife, all the elderly gave me blessings and gifts as well. I never really got time to spend much time with Armaan but Armaan wasn't in much of an easier situation than me. 

When I finally got the chance to meet him I decided to pour a whole bucket of colour on him from behind, making him drenched. He jerked his head back and smirked, "You're so done baby."

I started to take a slow step behind me while he started to take slow steps towards me. I'm in deep shit now. Great job Ki!

18+ content ahead! 🔞⚠️🌚🔥✨🌶️ For my innocent readers, please skip this. For my not-so-innocent readers, continue the show. 

I ran up the stairs into our room and then my dumb ass realised there was no escape. I looked back to see Armaan locking the door and taking big steps towards me with colour still in his hand. I took a couple of steps back as he took some steps towards me and my heart beat with his each step. I stopped when my back hit a wall, great job Ki, how are you going to escape now? But do I really want to escape? 

He came close and his one arm slithered around my waist, jerking me towards him with his other hand leaning on the wall. 

I closed my eyes to feel his rough lips on mine. He started to suck on my lower lip, fully demolishing it while I was still comprehending what was going on. Then he started sucking my top lip, slowly making it sore but I liked it. Then he pinched my waist making me gasp and he entered his tongue in mine. Uff, why is this so hot? He started tasting every part of my mouth and then the kiss went from slow to fast and rough within seconds. I tried kissing back but it was utterly useless, he clearly wanted to dominate the kiss. After a solid couple of minutes, I was running out of breath so he pulled out but I wanted him back. As I panted, trying to catch my breath, he started to nibble on my neck. 

"Ouch, Maan," I winced when he bit my soft skin a bit too hard. He slowly started to take off my safety pin making the pallu fall on the ground with his head still buried in my neck. 

He then slithered his hand behind my back and started to untie the knots, completely making my back naked. He slowly started to slide down one side of the blouse but then stopped. 

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