Chapter 16: The Heartbreak Part Two

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Hi guys! I'm so sorry but I realised that the last part of chapter 16 was cut off for some reason but here is the rest...


POV: Kiara

"Sorry sir, your card declined!" the lady at the counter said.

"What?" Ayaan shouted causing me to flinch.

"I think there is a lock on your account, maybe like a limit to how much you spend," the lady said.

"OMG! How can I forget! Ughh! I'm so going to kill bhai! I'm calling him now!" Ayaan said and dug into his pocket to get his phone out when I stopped him.

"Ayaan, no need to disturb him. I'll pay, it's okay," I said.

"Umm no!" a familiar voice said from behind me. I turned back to see Ma and Papa.

"We will buy the dress for you beta," Papa said while putting one hand on my head.

"Papa I seriously can pay for-"

"Bilkul nahi! Accept this gift as our blessing Kiara beta," Ma said, how can I turn down a blessing so I nodded. One thing I learnt from the Mehra's is that they are very stubborn and convincing. They will get and do what they want.

We had purchased five expensive dresses and some expensive jewellery that I didn't want or need. I hate expensive jewellery I mean the ones sold on the street have way better designs. I'm a very simple girl as you can tell.


After a long day, we came back home. I was seriously starving.

"Kiara, let's have dinner now," Ma called me. Wow, this woman can read my mind and my stomach's pain.

"Coming ma!" I called back.

I quickly ran down the stairs to find many variety of dishes on the table. Gajar ka Halwa, Paneer tika masala, Chicken Tika Masala, Dal, Samosas, Kachoris, roti, rice and so much more. I sat on the seat next to Ayaan and we all dug in, with all that food I completely forgot about my so-called husband, Armaan. Where was he?

"Umm Papa, where is Armaan?"

"He usually works late, so he'll be back before 8:30, don't worry beta, keep eating your food," he assured.

I nodded and continued eating my food. I was in no rush to see that janwaar's (animal's) face.

POV: Armaan

"How can she just... how can she just leave me like this Kartik? I mean I thought she loved me, I thought she craved me, but... But I was wrong?" I said without being sober. I was in pain, I needed a drink, okay maybe drinks but I needed to ease this pain. It felt like a burden on my chest. I was unable to breathe.

"Okay, Armaan! We have to go now. It's 11:30! Your family must be waiting for you," Rohit begged.

"No! What family? The family who ruined my life? I hate this family! They are the cause of my situation now! Kartik I don't want to live!" I kept shouting.

Kartik had lost his patience, and out of great difficulty, he finally managed to get me out of the club and outside. As soon as we got outside he pushed me into the car and talked some sense into me.

"Who the fuck are you wasting your tears on? That woman doesn't love you! She was just using you for god's sake! She is not your love! She cheated on you and you're here crying over that bitch! Armaan, you can do way better than her! You don't deserve her, you deserve better. What was so good about her? No one in your family liked her nor did I! We knew she was a cheat but you... you were just too blinded by her love that you just! Listen to me, Armaan... Kiara is now your love and you have to accept her no matter what! Are you listening to me, Armaan? Armaan!" Kartik kept shouting. I looked up at him and then whispered "Kiara."

There appeared to be a smile on Kartik's face, "Exactly Kiara, Kiara is now your love Armaan."

I nodded. "Take me back to Mehera mansion," I commanded and Kartik nodded.

POV: Kiara

I glanced at the time as I was reading my book, 11:35 pm. What? I was so into my book that I hadn't realised the time and what's worse is that Armaan never came home. Maybe he was ignoring me but what if he was in trouble? My brain said something else and my heart said something else.

I decided that I should call him but then realised that I didn't even have his number. Should I go wake up Papa or Ma or Ayaan? I wondered. No, no, no I shouldn't disturb them. I decided to go downstairs and wait for him by the door when suddenly the front door opened and there he was. His hair messed up, his shirt all wrinkled, his tie undone. This guy was a total mess. I quickly ran towards him and then realised that there was also another man present next to him, holding him by the shoulder.

"Oh hi, are you Kiara?" the man that was holding onto Armaan asked.

"Umm... yeah!" I replied.

"Oh, umm I'm Kartik, I'm Armaan's friend. I would love to talk more but Armaan is a bit drunk so I think I should just take him up to his room," Kartik said.

A bit drunk? Manz looks like he was drowned in liquor. He wasn't even able to walk by himself.

"Oh, no it's fine, I'll take him," I smiled at Kartik.

"No, no, no he's really drunk I think I sh-" I cut Kartik off,

"It's okay, I'll take him. You can go home, it's too late but you're welcome to stay here since it's too dark," I suggested with a smile.

"Wow you're kinder than people say, but sorry bhabhi I really have to go but hopefully someday we can meet again, good night," he smiled and then left.

Aww, he's so sweet and his friend is such a disgrace.

After a long and hard time getting him up to his room, I laid him down on the bed, took off his shoes and went to the washroom to change and when I came out he grabbed my wrist and pinned me on the wall. What on planet Earth was going on right now?

"You! You! You! Ruined my life! If you never came into my life she wouldn't have left me! Because of you, she left me," he started shouting at me. My mind couldn't help but wonder who he was talking about, who was she? Who left him? And because of me? What did I do?

As I was gathering my thoughts together his face dug into my neck and now he was sucking on it while muttering some words that were shattering my heart one by one.

"I wanted to live my life with her, I wanted to have kids with her, I wanted to fuck her, I wanted her to scream my name when I did that but because of you, this will only be a dream! I wish you would just die so I could run back to my Naina and tell her how much I love her but you are so stubborn! You won't even die!" These words were continuously stabbing my heart and I was not able to do anything but to let many of my tears go running down my burning cheeks. All I could say was, "Why?"

He now started biting my neck making me scream in pain, I tried to release myself from his grip but he just bit harder and harder. But me being me did not give up which pissed him off and before I knew it, he grabbed me by the throat.

"Stop moving like a worm Kiara!" He shouted and I flinched hard. Not being able to control my tears I burst into crying and Armaan let go of his grip. He then started laughing like a maniac. This is so pathetic and classic! "All you girls do is cheat, use, leave and then cry for some sympathy!"

He came close to me again and whispered in my ear, "Get out Hoe."

I looked at him with more tears in my eyes but I really wish I had listened to him the first time because next he punched the wall, grabbed my hair and shouted even louder, "GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE!" and I instantly ran outside. Unable to breathe. What has my life come up to? I hate you dad, I really hate you!


Such a painful chapter! But I do hope you liked it! Right now all I feel towards Armaan is hatred and nothing else but I promise we will start loving him later on in the chapters!

Hope y'all have a great day lovelies! ❤️

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