Chapter 19: The Guilt and the Kiss

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POV: Armaan

"Hi bhai, where are you going?" he questioned.

"Office where else," I replied. I tried to push through him but he held my arm.

"Sorry, but you are forbidden to go to the office today. Dad's order."

What? Now I can't go to the office because Dad forbade me. I know the reason why and to be honest I don't blame him but forbidding the future CEO from coming to his own office is a bit too much.

Armaan, "Why didn't he just call me?"

Ayaan, "Because you're irresponsible and stupid and if I were you I would not go to the office and not call Dad either. He is pissed and who knows what he'll do."

Ayaan was right. I shouldn't bother him. Who knows what he'll do?

I nodded and gestured for him to go and to my surprise, he started leaving. I mean come on Ayaan? Ayaan listened to me? he's leaving the room without annoying me? Is this even the Ayaan I grew up with? But then he stopped.

"Bhai, can you please stop interfering with my credit card? I mean you set a limit on my card. Do you know how embarrassing it was yesterday when I wanted to buy a dress for Bhabhi but it declined? She was about to pay but thank god mum and dad came on time and stopped her from paying. Do you even know how hard it was to convince Bhabhi to choose dresses and let us buy them for her?"

I jolted my head up, looking straight into his eyes. What was he saying? Convinced?

"Wait so she didn't force you to buy dresses for her?" I questioned.

"What are you on about? First Mum was like "Let's go shopping," and Bhabhi was like "No ma I already have so many clothes," but then Ma was forcing her. She then agreed but she was all like "I can buy my clothes," and trust me it was not easy convincing her. I mean even Dadi had to come downstairs to convince her. Oh, and I didn't know Bhabhi hated designer clothes I mean it was so hard to get her out of the car. I had to say that we were only going to look and not buy anything, that's how she agreed to come but then I forced and stuff. Yar Bhabhi is stubborn but she's also adorable and caring. The best bhabhi in the world!"

With every word he said, a stink of guilt kept stabbing me in the chest. It was the worst feeling in the world. Why was I such an ass? Why did I say this to Kiara? Why couldn't I just ask Ayaan first? Why do I always come to conclusions without reviewing them fully?

"Bhai?" Ayaan snapped me out of my thoughts.


"Are you okay?" he asked.

"Yeah, umm... do you know where Kiara is?" I desperately wanted to say sorry to her. The more I wait the more the guilt is going to consume me.

"I don't know, she's your wife. you should know," Ayaan shrugged his shoulders and left. This good-for-nothing loser, but he was right, she's my wife and I should know everything about her but where do I find her she ran off yesterday to god knows where. 

I thought she might be in the kitchen so I rushed down but she wasn't, I kept calling her name but I got no response. Where is my woman? But then a maid informed me that Kiara had gone out somewhere but she didn't know where. Where is this woman? and how will I find her? Maybe I should wait till night. 

I rushed back to my room and thought of ways to convince her because I knew a simple sorry wouldn't win her heart and why should it? All I've done was hurt her since the day she arrived. 

Should I get her flowers? and chocolates? I've heard that she loves chocolates. Should I get her some presents? What should I do? "take her on a take!"  my subconscious suggested. Yeah right like she would go out with me. But I seriously have to do something. After hours of thinking I decided that it was a good idea to buy her flowers and chocolates. I know she won't forgive me this easily but I will keep trying.  I have to keep trying!

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