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Deep in the pages of the Greek legends, a cursed creature remained hidden in the shadows. Of all the terrible monsters, this was one of the most feared, her name was infamous just like her appearance.Those who went after her never returned, as she was said to be so hideous that anyone who looked at her would turn to stone. Her name was Medusa, yet there was a time she went by a different name and was the exact opposite. Jessica Moore was different from the moment she was born as she was the only one born mortal. Her parents were two primordial deities who were disgusted to see how beautiful Jessica was when she was born. While her twin sisters were Gorgons like they wanted. They neglected Jessica and she was often left alone in the care of her two older sisters Uriel and Callisto.

Despite her unfortunate family situation, Jessica had a kind and pure personality. Whenever her sisters played with her, she would always pretend to be the hero like Athena. While her sisters played as the  monsters she had to hunt and save people from. Her beauty was unmatched and only increased as she got older. Golden clury fluttering hair, blue piercing eyes, light skin with a shade of tan, along with a beautiful smile. The young girl snatched hearts wherever she went, even though her heart was saved for one. Her best friend Iphicles, the two had been inseparable since infancy and this made them an easy target for Aphrodite.

One day on her 15th birthday, Jessica sat and created a golden leaf crown for herself. Iphicles who always at her side, declared his love for her. Delighted she returned it and the two began a secret relationship as their parents didn't approve. Yet Jessica never gave into the temptation of lust, as she wished to remain pure like the goddess Athena. Iphiceles respected her wishes though he didn't fully understand but their happiness was cut short. Jessica was heartbroken when she found out her beloved had been forced into an arranged marriage. Despite his pleas for her to explain Jessica had none of it and promised to never fall in love again.

If her days couldn't get any worse, even though she was a perfect and pure priestess. She was spotted by Poseidon the god of the sea, who decided he just had to have her. Jessica had no idea she was being watched until the god appeared to her from the ocean while she walked outside. He made advances on her and she turned him down, even slapped him. Yet her mortal strength had no effect on him and consumed by lust, Poseidon chased her into Athena's table. Jessica screamed for help and knelt in front of a statue as she heard Poseidon's footsteps. No one but Iphiceles came to her aid and he quickly got tossed aside. Jessica's screamed for him but was then beaten and raped by Poseidon.

If that wasn't tragic enough, Poseidon threw  her on the ground crying with her clothes ripped and filthy. Then as she hugged the limp body of Ipchicles, the sea god decided to teach her a lesson for her rejections.
"You killed him." Jessica cried.
"He was brave I'll give him that but because he tried to be a hero he stood in the way of our love." He responded.
"I will never love you, I hate you!" Jessica exclaimed. Furious he cursed her to become a gorgon like her sisters. Her beautiful hair became a head of snakes, her legs became a serpent tail, snake eyes replaced her blue eyes, and her hands became scaled.
"What have you done?!" Jessica screamed.
"I gave you a new fate, now no one will be able to love you without dying except for me !" Poseidon exclaimed back. Jessica cried hysterically then screamed breaking every widow nearby.

 Jessica cried hysterically then screamed breaking every widow nearby

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