Chapter ten

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Weeks later Jessica had allowed Hoodie to come out of the nest Queeine had built for him and his siblings. The young cobra apologized many times but never explained his reason behind the attack. Jessica almost didn't notice as she had spent days going on outings with Sam. She wasn't sure if this was how human courtship worked now but either way she loved it.
"I know you don't believe me milady but I did this to help you, now you don't have to worry about your stare hurting him." Hoodie said. At first Jessica gave no response as she occupied with her blonde hair. This made Hoodie slither off.  He had a brief hiss fight with Queenie as he went off to see his siblings.

"Milady you should really just tell Sam the truth, he might not care." Queenie added in.
This was what got Jessica to snap out of her day dream.
"Queenie stop unless you want to get grounded with your twin, you know this whole thing can't work." Jessica responded. Queenie hissed sadly and slithered onto Jessica's arm, the gorgon tried to push her away. Yet the snake eyes that Queenie gave her were impossible to ignore.
"He won't be scared." Queenie said.
"Of course he will I'm Medusa and he's hunter, right now I'm just Jessica to him." She answered.
"Shouldn't that girl be enough?" Queenie asked. It was genuine question as Jessica had not felt like this is thousands of years.

Just last night she had started dreaming again and it brought tears to her eyes. The wonderful experience that made no sense sometimes was better than anything Poseidon could offer.
"Queenie I'm not that girl anymore look at what I've done to all those people and monsters." Jessica responded. She looked at all of the statues around her and the fear hurt her. Even though she had no regrets for the monsters she had taken down, the unlucky people were innocent. All they had done was just come at the wrong time just like Iphicles. Queenie comforted her by slithering into her lap.
"We have all done things we are ashamed of milady, you didn't ask to be this way." The shake said.

Jessica gently pet the Cobra's head and shed a few tears. Which was something she hadn't done as a punishment towards her loyal companions.
"I know Queenie but its too late for anything to change when the year is over I will become Medusa again and Sam will chop off my head." She cried.
"You don't know that he will, he cares about you." Queenie argued and even though Jessica agreed she still cried a bit.
"I know he does but how much?" A hot tear ran down her cold face. Her thoughts went dark as she realized that it had been two weeks since Poseidon visited. She gulped and knew that she had to check if she was pregnant again.

"Milady?" Queenie asked a little concerned. Jessica gave her the look that asked what day of the month it was. "I will handle it you should enjoy your date with Sam."
"Its not a date Queenie we are just hanging out as friends." Jessica argued. Queenie hissed to hold back a laugh and slithered off to locate some supplies. Jessica in the meantime wiped her tears and decided to wear a new outfit. There was only so many green dresses she could look at before she got sick of them. She found an outfit that she had made years ago but never wore.
"That black jacket and blue blouse look lovely milady." Queenie said.

"Thank you dear one I'm off to take a step into the 21st century." Jessica responded. She adjusted the gray pants and leather boots. A small smile grew onto her face once she saw herself in the mirror. For the first time in centuries she told herself I am beautiful, and she believed it. Later while on campus for her classes which Jessica found too easy. She overheard the girl Becky approach Sam with a balloon.
"Sam I heard about what happened and I just want you to know that even with those glasses you look so wow." Becky said. Her laugh made Jessica roll her eyes and clench her teeth.
"Um thanks but its fine really the glasses are temporary." Sam responded.

Jessica was grateful that Sam hadn't shown much of an interest in this girl. As she got this burning feeling in her chest whenever she was around Sam. At least that Sarah girl was nice enough to respect their relationship.
"Well I hope you like the balloon, I got it heart shaped for valentines day." Becky responded. She tied to Sam's wrist despite his claim it wasn't necessary and Jessica walked up to him.
"Its not Valentines day." Sam coughed.
"Oh I know but I wanted to be two months earlier." Becky responded with a creepy grin before Jessica glared at her to go away.

"I mean like wow." Jessica said and mimicked Becky's fake laugh with a hag like cackle.
"Oh Jessica I didn't know you would be here," he stopped for a minute. "You really don't like her do you?" He asked with a slight smile.
"No she doesn't respect boundaries." She spat. Jessica narrowed her eyes then popped the ballon with her finger nails. "Late to class see you." She said with a smile. The action was on her mind all day as she recalled what Queenie had told her. As much as she hated to admit it, her snake was right. She did like Sam, and everyone else seemed to know that. During their science class she watched Sam give his presentation that she helped him with.

"So snakes belong the group of animals called reptiles, which includes Lizards, Alligators, and turtles." Sam explained. Jessica did her best to listen as she noticed a ton people being disrespectful. One student was drawing in notebook, another was pulling nail polish off her fingers and showing it to her boyfriend. Some of the students even mocked Sam new glasses which made Jessica clench her teeth.
"Yes but Sam can you tell us why people are fascinated by venomous snakes despite how dangerous they are?" The professor asked. Everyone in the room froze and Jessica gulped a bit when Sam began to sweat. This was the part he could never remember and the two locked eyes.

"There's no doubt that recently I've been told false information about snakes, while they are dangerous it doesn't make them evil." Sam responded. Even with his sunglasses on, Jessica could feel his gaze on her. Her heart pounded in a way she wasn't used to and she cleared her throat. The teacher took notes while the whole class suddenly became invested.
"Oh and what do you mean by that?" The professor asked.
"I mean it seems they have  gifts we've been ignoring. Just because someone or something is cold and dark but that doesn't mean there isn't any good to it." Sam explained.

Jessica gasped as Sam went on, did he figure out? That can't be possible. She thought to herself as he went on.
"Queenie was right..." She whispered under her breath.
"Maybe all these venomous snakes or snakes in general are all scared of us because we don't like them. Maybe we should consider that before we call someone a snake." Sam explained. This made everyone in the class clap and the professor gave Sam an A. Meanwhile Jessica was tearing up in her seat, even after class ended.
"Ms. Moore is everything alright?" The professor asked.
"Yes everything is fine." Jessica responded before anyone could stare at her. The rapid beat in heart increased again and this time she welcomed it. Heat rose in her cheeks and she had another realization, she cared about Sam. More than she ever thought she could.

 More than she ever thought she could

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