Chapter nineteen

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The second he heard from his parents that he had to marry another girl, Iphicles was furious. The woman Pyrrha was beautiful yes, dirty blonde straight hair and blue eyes. Yet he could not find it in his heart to feel anything but disdain for her. Pyrrha seemed to have the biggest crush on him as she spent hours following him around or touching his chest. Plus she tried everyone around her like they were beneath her due to her father's wealth.
"You are so firm." She said in a seductive tone
"Can you not?" He asked.
"No need to be shy I plan to see a lot more of you." She responded. In disgust he pulled himself away from her and looked at his parents.
"I am not marrying her." He declared.
"Iphicles!" His father scolded.

"No I don't care how rich she is I already have someone and I'm not going to let some prissy princess ruin it!" Iphicles screamed back. What in the world would he say to Jessica if she heard about this? She would be more devastated than he was.
"I am not letting you marry that snake spawn do you have any idea what her family is capable of!?" Amphitryon yelled.
"She is not a snake spawn and this is all because of what happened with mom! You hate every single deity including your own son!" He argued. The argument ended when Pyrrah made everything worse and threw her arms around him. Before Iphicles could even push her away he heard a vase drop behind him. He turned to see Jessica standing there with a tear stained face and a look of betrayal in her eyes.

"Get out if you snake spawn my son will no longer be a victim of your charms." Amphitryon said. She teared up even more and ran off while Iphicles ran after her.
"No Jessica wait I can explain!" He called out. She ignored all of his words and kept on running without a direction or destination. He managed to catch her before she could jump into the river that was by the cherry blossoms trees. In the dark they seemed to have lost their bright pink color.
"Let go of me I don't want to see you!" She cried.
"Jessica please I know how things look but I promise you it is not what you think." He responded. He panicked each time he saw more tears in her beautiful green eyes. It made his heart get crushed under all the guilt.

"You mean that girl who had her hands all over you? How could you do this to me you said you were going to ask me to marry you!" She cried. Iphicles struggled to respond at her righteous anger.
" I don't want to marry her not at all I want to be with you." He said and actually began to cry himself.
" You can't just say that after what I just saw No I can't do this." Jessica said. She wiped the tears from her face and turned away from him.
" Jessica please we can talk about this!" He begged.
"No we can't it's over there's nothing left for you to say I love you.... and I want to believe you love me too I just saw....and what I just heard I never want to see you again." She said choking on her words.

Iphicles was heartbroken as he never thought in a million years she would say that to him.
"Jess you don't mean that." He cried. Jessica just turned away and kept on crying not bothering to respond or listen. "I...I know what you saw doesn't deem like I do but I love you I've always loved you." He continued. She still had her back turned but decided to look back at him only he was gone.
"Iphicles?" She asked. Jessica knew she had gone too far but she was hurt, she hoped that wouldn't be the last time he appeared. After calming down she runs back to find him but only finds the new girl Pyrrah.
"What are you doing?" She growled.
"I'm here to talk with my fiancé not you, now where is he?" Jessica asked.

"I am his Fiancé now and you are just a whore now go off and leave." Pyrrah responded. The woman who was dressed in all dark red and gold was the rudest person she had ever met. She only talked about herself and how much she loved Iphicles. Then cut Jessica off when she tried to protest.
"How dare you..." She began.
"No you are not allowed look at me speak to me or even walk up to me you filthy snake spawn. Why don't you go back to Mommy and Daddy or go run off to Athena's Temple I hear you want to be like her." Pyrrah responded. Jessica was torn between punching the proud girl or crying her eyes out.
"I won't let you ruin this for me." She said barely above a whisper.

"How about you eat me." Pyrrah fired back. Jessica narrowed his eyes like she was in deep thought.
"Whose to say I won't." She said. Then hissed which made Pyrrah jump and Jessica left after that. She went off to pursue her dream of becoming a priestess of Athena. In hopes of sealing the hole that have been left in her heart. Virginity and Chastity were a virtue so it kept her mind off Iphicles ever so often. Jessica became a respected Priestess and people began to worship her as if she were Athena. Yet while she loved the work she had and her patron goddess, it was not enough to make her forget about her former lover. She kept the flowers picked for him a secret whenever the temple was empty. A few times she thought he walked by but no one had seen him since he went off to was with his brother Hercules.

Jessica shook her head and blinked as she reflected on all those memories. It had been centuries since that happened and she still felt it in her bones. She looked back at Sam who seemed to have forgotten what he said two minutes before when they got back to his room. When he looked confused she placed her hands on his face.
"Jessica..." He said.
"Sam, what do you mean?" She asked.
" I don't even know I don't even remember what I said, my head hurts a bit." He responded. She whimpered whenever he flinched in pain and feared the sea god was behind it.
"I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have dragged you into this. He's not just going to punish me now he's going to punish you too." Jessica said.

She looked down to hide her tears and before she could say more, Sam caressed her cheek.
"Do you have any idea how much I love you?" He asked. It was enough to make her smile and he kissed her, which was nothing new. However this turned into more as Jessica wasn't sure what would happen when she woke up tomorrow. If she woke up as a gorgon then she wanted to be able show him how much she loved him. The two then slept together crossing the line of no return. One thing Jessica noticed while she was on top of Sam was that he was very gentle. Unlike Poseidon who was rough enough to make her skin red and throw up during the session. Sam however made sure she wouldn't freak out if he tried to get intimate with her.

"You have a lot of scars." She panted as she lay on his bare chest.
"Yeah well the life of the hunter will do that to you. Sorry if they disturb you." He responded.
"I think they are lovely it shows you are brave, trust me I've seen a lot worse." She said. When he teased her about her response Jessica realized why she hadn't been able to bare another demigod. Poseidon wasn't her mate and never would be however her parents used to say that once a gorgon found their mate they couldn't mate with anyone. She also remembered that her sisters told her about how gorgons mated for life.
"What is it?" He asked. She smiled brightly and caressed his cheek.
"Nothing let's just continue." She said.

" She said

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