Chapter nine

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Jessica was able to remove the venom from Sam's with using her healing powers from her blood. She had never told that secret to anyone not even any of her snakes. However she still took him to the hospital where the doctor uses an eyewash to get the rest of it.
"Well I have no idea how you get sprayed in the eye by cobra venom but luckily none of it got into your nervous system." The doctor said as she did exams on Sam. Jessica bit her nail and paced every time the doctor asked to do another test on him.
"Well he be alright?" She asked.

"Well like I said he's lucky there's no cover Venom in his nervous system however the Venom did effect his vision." The doctor explained. Jessica's heart dropped when she realized that she might have just made Sam blind. Hurt she excused herself from the room and ran into the hallway.
"Jessica wait no!" Sam called out. "What did you say to her?" He asked then forced himself to get off the hospital bed.
"Sam you need to rest we have to teach you how to get around with reduced vision." The doctor argued.
"Forget my vision, Jessica come back!" Sam exclaimed. She didn't answer and went to a place no one could see her where she proceeded to cry.


Sam didn't appreciate his eyesight until it had become like looking through someone else's glasses. Everything was blurry and objects seemed to vanish when he didn't touch them. After feeling his way around and running into a few poles he managed to over hear Jessica in a closet. He sighed and sat down next to her where she threw her arms around him.
"Jessica..." He began.
"I'm sorry I'm so sorry I don't know why he did that and I feel so terrible that you won't be able to see," Jessica cried. "and somehow this is all my fault I even right I never should have messed around with that Cobra or really any dangerous snakes," She continued and choked on her words. " I don't know if maybe you're expecting me to punish Hoodie I normally don't punish any of my snakes because they're like my children and that's not something I can explain to you I just..."

"Jessica breathe you don't have to be sorry, there's no way this is your fault." Sam interrupted her to stop her from ranting herself into oblivion. He was a little angry that he would need to wear sunglasses to use his tunnel vision. Plus He would be lying if he said he wasn't peeved about Hoodie suddenly attacking him. However there was no way he was going to blame Jessica for what happened or let her blame herself.
"How do you know that? There is so much you don't know about me Sam, there's a lot People don't know about me." She admitted and cried some more. Sam ended up wiping her tears once she calmed down. She did have a point though even if they were friends he knew little about her.
"Well maybe we should change that." He said.

"What do you mean?" She asked. Sam wiped some more of her tears and took her hand.
" We could spend some more time together just the two of us." He said. This seemed to make her smile a bit and she playfully slapped him on the hand.
"Like a date?" She teased.
"No not like that just dinner or something together as friends." He responded immediately. Even though the thought of Jessica going out with someone else bothered him of it. He didn't want to say anything to her just in case she wasn't ready for anything. Plus he didn't know if she had a boyfriend or not.
" I don't know Sam You might discover some things you don't like about me." She responded.

Her frown returned and he gently moved the hair out of her face. She looked back at him in shock and a mixture of other emotions.
"Can't I decide that for myself we are friends after all besides I should be the one saying that there are things you don't know about me either." Sam said. This made her beautiful smile return and she agreed then rested her head on his shoulder.
"You are so nice and different Sam, a lot different than most men I've met." She responded. " just don't try and kiss me I'll have to hurt you." She teased. Happy that she was no longer upset Sam teased her right back.

"Well now I'm terrified." He said which made them both laugh.
"You should be I've got plans for you Sam Winchester." She responded then picked a pair of sunglasses to put on his face. " wow Queenie was right you look good in glasses." This went of for awhile until a nurse opened the door and told them to make out elsewhere.
"Oh no..." Sam began but the Nurse held her hand up.
" I'm getting too old for this next the kids are all going to be going online to date each other." The nurse sighed. She walked off and escorted them both back to Sam's hospital room. The good news was that Sam's reduced vision might not be permanent and it could recover.

This made them both delighted and Jessica ended up giving Sam another hug. Which earned them a bunch of stares from the staff once Sam hugged back.
" You know flirting was a lot different in my day, anyways Sam I'll give you some eye drops, medicine, glasses, and have someone teach you how to read blind print." The doctor said. Sam only nodded once he took the file with the list of everything he needed. Jessica made a note on her hand and lectured something underneath her chair. Sam had a sneaking suspicion that she was whispering to Hoodie, who was hiding somehow. Add that to the list of the things he wanted to know about Jessica, maybe there was a chance she was a telepath.

"Yes thank you I'll make sure to remind him to take care of himself." She said before the doctor could question her actions. Later when the two are out of the hospital, Sam looks at the world around him. Everything was still blurry and his other senses had to adapt to help him get around.
"So I'm guessing you are going to ground Hoodie?" Sam asked.
"Hmm oh I can handle all that later, I need to get you back to school and then I'll ground Hoodie." She responded. "Probably make him do all of Queenie's tasks for a day he hates them."
"Alright your royal highness whatever you say." He teased which earned him another playful slap. The only worry he had was the way Jessica was limping, even with his damaged vision he could tell.

Before he could think about it for too long, he reached into his pocket for the ring he found earlier.
"Sam what are you doing?" She asked.
"Well before you came to see me, someone dropped something." He responded. Even with his blurred vision he felt around for the ring on the necklace and pulled it out.
"Sam..." Jessica stammered. Her eyes filled with tears of joy at the sight of the ring.
"I believe this is yours dear." He responded with an accent. She smiled and gently grabbed the necklace, to thank him she hugged him. It shouldn't have shocked him since she had already done it twice. Yet it was happened afterwards that made his cheeks flush.

"This is the most amazing thing anyone's ever done for me thank you for finding it Sam!" She exclaimed and kissed his cheek. He blushed and wished she would do it again.
"So I was right you did drop this in the library when we first met, I didn't see your face." He responded. She nodded and explained her reason behind that.
"I am vary of strangers so I tested you, but you passed. This ring is so old like older than me but it means much to me." She explained. The way Jessica spoke about this necklace made his chest burn a bit.
"You have a boyfriend?" Sam asked. Jessica shook her head and placed the necklace around her neck.
"No this is from someone I lost a long time ago, and this keeps him with me." She said.

" She said

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