Chapter seventeen

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As days passed Jessica did her best to help the brothers find information on how to break her curse. Though her main concern wasn't her curse it was Poseidon and how he was effected everyone dear to her. A few more students had been attacked by Noah, thankfully she always got there before he could kill anyone. With the sun setting in distance she grabbed hold of her necklace and thought about what to do.
"I'm running out of time and it seems even now I can't be a good mother or a decent person." She said. A tear ran down her face as mourned for the life that had stripped from her. Once again by the same selfish sea god. Someone nearby put a hand on her shoulder, though she didn't turn her head.

"I'm sure it can't be that bad." A familiar voice said. Jessica's blood boiled and her brain froze at the sight of her tormentor.
"Poseidon." She spat. A hundred other things wanted to come out of her mouth. Yet she was as still as the statues associated with her.
"Hey there sweetie." He responded with a smirk. "I've been missing you." He grabbed her chin and her eyes flashed green with her seprent silts.
"Don't touch me you know very well what I think of you." She groaned. Her dismissive gesture caused Poseidon to narrow his eyes and her tried to keep making moves on her.
"What is your problem sweetheart? Is that about your home because I was going to offer a solution." He said faking innocence.

Jessica burst into angry tears and yelled at him.
"You are my problem I can guarantee whatever feelings you're feeling right now is a mere fraction of what I feel for you!" She exclaimed. " After everything you did to me, to my children, and my home? How could you ever think I even want to see you!"
Her voice hurt as Poseidon gave her an annoyed glare.
" Will you stop acting like a brat right now I am trying to make amends with you. Do you realize how lucky you are, any motral goddess would be over the moon to be with me." He argued. Though this only made Jessica angrier with him.
"Then why don't you go and visit them instead of me I don't want to talk to you!" She screamed.

Her volume attracted a few eyes but she didn't care if she caused a scene. This god had the balls to accuse her of being selfish when he had done so much worse to her.  The second she ran away from him to have privacy he followed right after her into the greenhouse.
"Because I don't want any of those Mortals or any of those deities don't you get it I am feelings for you." He declared. "At first I thought we were just going to have that one time fling but we've been much more than that over the centuries. Look at all the beautiful children you have given me and how much love you've given me."
" Half of those children you murdered a few weeks ago!" She cried. Though Poseidon just wiped her tears away with his fingers.

" I know that's why you're mad at me. But you don't have to worry about that anymore, because I'm going to give you a lot more." He said.
Jessica flinched at his touch and her heart sped up at the thought of more nights with this monster. She could still feel his hands all over her body in places she didn't want them to be. Along with his voice ordering her to stay still as he entered her over and over again. She sniffled to avoid crying more or thinking about how she always threw up when it was done.
"What are you talking about?" She asked.
" I'm talking about you and I Jessica, we've been keeping our relationship on the down low for too long. I'm going to make it official,
My feelings for you are real." He said to her.

His eyes were glowing with lust and he picked up a nearby flower. He changed into a sea peral and gave it to her.
"Make what official?" She asked. Her voice almost choked her as he smiled more.
"You and me, think of the power couple we could be. Imagine it you could be my new Queen and you would have everything you ever wanted. No curse, no Athena, no statues, and with my help you could have all the children you've ever wanted. " he responded. "I know you feel a little intimidated by me because I'm a god, one of the original six Olympians. Don't worry though I don't consider you inferior at all."
She glared at him and throw the peral at his feet.
"When is my birthday?" She asked.

"How is that relevant?" Poseidon asked instead of answering. She glared when he guess wrong multiple times.
Then throw a nearby vase at him just like she had when he first approached her.
"We are nothing You want to talk fine like I said there is no way you could feel how I feel about you!" She yelled. "You don't know anything about me and look at my like I'm so sex slave who you take pleasure in hurting!" She continued. " The whole reason I'm even stuck as a monster is because you couldn't handle my rejection!" Poseidon looked upset and held his hands up to justify his words.

"I wouldn't say that you still look beautiful baby." He said then wolf whistled. Jessica hissed in response and pushed his arms away. After years of holding it all in she was done.
" Let me make something clear to you Poseidon I don't like you I don't want anything to do with you! You ruined my life twice now and I won't let you do it a third time. We are not in a relationship because you don't have any feelings for me you just have the impulse to control me!" She exclaimed. Her declaration was bold as Poseidon looked shocked and actually hurt before his eyes narrowed.

"How can you not say we don't have a relationship we were together..." He asked but she cut him off.
"There was never an us during any of those nights it was always you! You used me in ways girls should never be used and laughed when I cried about it." She responded. Her tears were now ones of anger and she looked directly at him.
" You like me every girl likes me just admit it and don't forget you made a deal with me." He responded with an annoyed tone. She looked at him with her green serpent eyes wishing they would petrify him. But of course her gorgon powers didn't work in her human form.

" It's like you can't even hear me I already told you what I think of you and screw our deal I'm backing out of it. I've actually found someone who loves me and I love him, so you can break our deal and turn you back into a gorgon. Cuz it doesn't matter anymore I will never be your queen or your wife." She declared. More angry tears clouded her vision as Poseidon took in all her words.
"That Sam boy must have put you up to this I've noticed that he looks a lot like your last boyfriend I threw into the sea." He said.
The words left an impact and Jessica's heart broke as she screamed.
"Don't talk about my Iphicles you killed him!" She cried. The lustful sea god grabbed her chin again forcing her to look at him.
" You wouldn't want me to do that again would you?" He asked. " if you agree to apologize for everything you just said and think about my offer I'll let it all go.",

"I'll never agree to be your wife, I love Sam!" She declared. Though Poseidon shushed her and tighten his grip. She struggled to get out of it and he left bruises on her arm, she held back the tears of pain.
"Remember Hera doesn't like Zeus that much, you don't have to like me to be my wife. I'm happy to go for the same arrangement." He said.
His voice dropped and Jessica felt her spine crawl and her breathing quicken at his mere touch. Right when Jessica feared she was gonna be possessed by force in front of everyone watching. The sound of a gunshot went off followed by glass breaking and sure enough Poseidon had been shot by an angry Sam Winchester.

"You come any closer to her you're dead." He snarled through gritted teeth. Poseidon gave Sam a look of shock before brushing the dust off.
"He's got a backbone I'll say that unlike he's doppleganger." He said intentionally. " well I guess I'll be on my way see you soon Jessica and think about my offer. If you don't accept it you might have more than a curse to worry about." He laughed.
"Screw you." She cried.
"I look forward to see those golden locks of yours become green and scaley again, maybe you'll be more reasonable then." Poseidon mocked. Sam shot at him again but the sea god vanished into a ball of water. Jessica was left with her mouth hanging open in shock at his words then breaking down.

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