Chapter fourteen

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As soon as the words left her mouth the entire room became silent. Dean recognized it as a couple issue and left the room.
"You know I'll let you two love birds work out everything, I'll be in the car." He stammered. Jessica felt a bit relieved and embarrassed when he left in a hurry, but at least she could finally tell Sam the truth. His mouth was still frozen in shock like she had turned him to stone already.
"Sam I know it may sound like a game but I promise its not, I can explain everything." She said. Whether Sam believed her or not, it was time to come clean.

"What are you talking about?" Sam asked. The shock on his face mimicked many she had seen before on humans when they saw her monster side. Yet there was something else in his expression guilt mixed with sadness.
"There's so much its a long complicated story but you should know first that I know you are a hunter." She said. This seemed to knock Sam out of his shocked state but still held guilt and sadness in his eyes.
"I don't know what you are talking about." He lied.
"Sam its okay you don't have to worry about me thinking you are crazy I know monsters are real. I've faced many hunters." She responded. Her expression now matched his and she placed her hands on his face.

"How did you..." He began.
"Like I've said there have been many hunters in my life but I can't keep this secret from you anymore. I'm a monster and if you came here to take me out then I won't stop you." She responded. Despite the fact that her heart physically hurt at thought he might end her life. Yet the freedom from her miserable existence after what just happened to her children. Was the best option in her opinion and she would rather have Sam do it. At least it would be a way he could save her.
"Jessica I'm not going to kill you, I don't care if you are not human." Sam said firmly. Tears welled up in her eyes but from what she wasn't sure.

"Sam you don't understand I'm not some kind of monster that can control themselves, I'm not like a werewolf or skin walker. I'm a..." She was about to say she was a gorgon but Sam just kissed her firm on the lips. Her eyes went wide and she eagerly returned it.
"You are a gorgon yes I know. I have been wondering about it since we met." He finished for her. Jessica gasped as she pulled away.
"So you do know, How did you figure it out?" She asked.
"I don't know maybe it was when I first saw you in the labyrinth where I saw Medusa. Never have I wanted so badly to be wrong." Sam responded. This makes them both shed more tears and Jessica closed her eyes.
"Yeah that was me, I'm Medusa." She admitted.

Sam had that sadness in his eyes again and she figured he was going to laugh any second.
"Jessica you are not Medusa." He responded. She shook her head tearfully and picked a pair of scissors.
"Close your eyes Sam." She said her voice cracking. He did as she asked and when a piece of her blonde hair was cut it feel to the floor and it turned into a baby green Viper. Sam jumped at the unexpected hiss and saw she had green scales on her hands.
"I told you Sam, I'm a monster one of the worst ones there is." She cried. After months of holding those words in she couldn't help but cry. However there was no rejection on Sam's face, he was scared not disgusted.
"Jessica." He said.

It was only one word and she looked back at him. He made no argument when she got closer to him.
"I know I lied and I'm sorry but I was scared and..." She began but felt Sam hold her close.
"Shh don't you shouldn't be so hard on yourself, if anyone understands what its like to keep secrets from everyone its me." He explained. She looked at him with hope and surprise.
"You are not leaving me or going to hurt me?" She asked.
"No I could never bring myself to hurt you Jessica, I care about you too much." He responded. They shared a look full of tears and hopeful thoughts for the future.
"You are not scared of me? This isn't how I normally look I'm hideous." She said.

He saw each tear that feel from her face and held her closer in his arms. Medusa or not there was no way he could ever be afraid of her.
"I am not afraid of you Jess we are together, and now we are in this together. I don't care how you look, I didn't ask you out because of your looks. You are a wonderful person Jessica and you are not an evil monster, I've seen far worse." He declared. These words made Jessica's heart leap for joy and she jumped onto him. They fell on Sam's bed and she covered his face in butterfly kisses. A bold move considering a few minutes ago she thought he might cut her head off.
"Sam you are trembling." She said.
"No Jess that's you trembling, I don't care who or what you are. You are my girlfriend." He responded.

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