Chapter sixteen

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Jessica made sure she had everything down before leaving her last class of the day. She wished that girls in her day could have experienced education.
"Thanks for the help today Jessica remember to work on that project of yours." The professor said as he cleaned the blackboard.
"Don't worry I always do, see you on Monday." She responded. Jessica finished up packing and left to go relax for the evening. She smiled at the hope that she could be cured, no more turning others to stone. However her smile faded when her snake senses picked up on something unnatural. She recognized the scent as another gorgon which worried her. Some of her children did not have the morals she did and preyed on humans.

She sped up and ran to an old abandoned church that had doors locked. Inside she could hear the sound of cutting, a stove, and other things being concealed. Using her super strength she grabbed the door handle and tore it off. Allowing her to go inside and see another student tied up and bloody.
"Please help me!" She screamed. Jessica recognized the girl as Sarah, Sam's former fling. Nearby she saw one of her oldest son Chrysaor preparing a meal of pasta. He was the spitting image of his father apart from the dark hair and snake like clothing.
"Oh please stop struggling dear one, I don't want any witnesses." Noah said.
"Too late for that." Jessica grumbled. Chrysaor stopped cooking and turned to face her, the smirk on his face made her teeth clench.

"Hello mother how long has it been a couple of centuries why don't you come on in join me for dinner." He responded.
"Save your formalities Noah I have told you a hundred times we do not eat people!" Jessica exclaimed. She used his birth name as she often had this argument with him. Out of all her children he was the most bloodthirsty and she feared what he would do.
"Its not like I want to eat people I am a demigod after all but my paralyzing kiss just has that effect and I get so hungry." He responded. There was no regret in his voice and Jessica actually hissed at him when he tried to kiss Sarah to petrify her.
"There will be none of that, leave her alone!" Jessica ordered.

Chrysaor flinched and put his hands up but still laughed.
" Oh come on Mom I know you're really not going to kill me not after what happened with Dad. I know how you see me but I've embraced that and it's time you do the same." He said.
"Noah So help me you take a bite out of her and I'm going to make you regret being born!" Jessica screamed. Her eyes flashed a serpent green and her teeth became fang like. Chrysaor held his hands up in surrender knowing he didn't have a chance against her. However Jessica also knew that he wasn't just going to give up easily.
"Yes that's it Mom let me see that scary side, you know I've actually never seen it. Because you refuse to let me see it you know how proud I would be of you." He taunted.

His eyes flashed serpent green as well and he tried to strike at her. However Jessica was faster and grabbed his arm pushing him towards the ground.
" I am not a monster, Noah you are my son and I love you but right now you are not going to disobey me." She responded. Her grib was strong and even in her human form. The tops of the strands of her hair all hissed at him to stay still or be bitten.
" Someone is looking a little scaly on the head and you can't control me mother. My name is Chrysaor and I doing what I want." He declared. The younger gorgon's grip loosened the more Jessica scolded him. She tried her best to get through to him but he wouldn't listen.
"You are starting to sound just like your father Noah." She told him.

It was a low blow but Chrysaor seemed almost unphased by it.
"Good At least one of us does." He responded. She finally let go and dropped him to the ground. He looked at him with a look of betrayal followed by laughter.
"I know why you do this you think you'll get your father's attention well I got news for you it won't he doesn't care. So either you stop preying on these humans or I will make you stop." She said.
"No I don't do it to get his attention I do it to get yours." He responded. That sentence made everything go silent and Jessica let her serpent features retreat.
"What?" She asked. Chrysaor scoffed at her reaction then kissed Sarah to petrify her in the moment of weakness. "No!" Jessica screamed.

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