Chapter twenty one

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Jessica had forgotten all about the doctors appointment she had scheduled until she got a reminder. Not to mention all the nausea she had been having. Having a cellphone was strange but she did enjoy the fact that Sam had given her one. She had learned to adapt fast after all her centuries of living, so nothing too bizarre. However getting a pregnancy test from an actual doctor was something she had never done. She had always her snakes steal one or she figured it out herself.
"Okay okay where do I even meet the doctor?" She asked.
The hospital itself almost made her choke with all the strong scents of medicine and other things. When she got lost almost four times a lady with long dark hair offered to help her.

"Excuse me ma'am can I help you?" She asked. Jessica cleared her throat to block out all the scents and pulled out a fake ID card. For once she was grateful that Sam And Dean created fake identites for themselves.
"Yes sorry my name is Jessica I'm here for an appointment." Jessica responded.
The lady took her fake ID and looked at it to try and find her name.
"Okay Jessica Moore here for a prenatal test and a blood test?" She asked.
"Yes thats correct." Jessica said.

She was nervous when the receptionist handed her a bunch of papers to fill out. It was almost like being in one of those old movies. Yet everything else went by like a blur as Jessica was able to fill out the papers quickly. She didn't have a lot of information so she just gave the hospital what she knew. Sitting in the waiting room also felt like child's play as she was used to waiting. She was probably one of the most patient people in the world because of her curse. Yet also one of the most dangerous because of the same curse.
"Jessica Moore?" A nurse called out.
Jessica came back into reality when she heard the door open. This was the moment she was going to find out if she was pregnant or not.


Sam had no idea how to react when he realized what Sarah was saying. A Part of him wanted to be furious with the goddess. Maybe she didn't curse Jessica like in the myths about them but why didn't she ever help her. Jessica herself had told him that she had been a perfect priestess and adored Athena. So was Athena just too ashamed to have one of her best practices be raped by her rival. If so then Sam wasn't sure he wanted her help. On the other hand he knew better than to speak ill of her.  Especially right to her face she would probably turn him into a spider and step on him. His hunting instinct kicked in and he made a move for his knife. Though he didn't grab it as probably wouldn't do any good against her.

"It's not possible how did you find me?" He Sam asked.

" I've been following my old Priestess I've always been following her and I've been watching you from a distance." Athena responded. " I know you have a lot of questions so you may ask them."
His mind once again seemed to operate without his control. As he felt that spark in his chest and memories break inside his head.
"Why?" Sam asked.
" I'm afraid you are going to have to be more specific Sam." Sarah said.
"Why didn't you reverse the curse why didn't you help her?" He asked.
Sam wasn't sure if that was his mouth talking on his own or just his own thoughts. Either way they couldn't hold back the anger and sadness he felt for Jessica. All of her suffering could have been avoided.

"Because I can't no god or goddess can reserve another's curse." She explained. "If it was don't you think I would have by now?"
Her expression was stern and Sam had to stop himself for saying the wrong thing. He wasn't sure if Athena was telling the truth as he knew nothing about her. Her myths could be fairy tales for all he knew. Yet at the same time Sarah was still his friend and he trusted her. He wasn't sure if he should but if was going to take down Poseidon. Then he needed to get help from the one person who knew how to take him down. If this backfired on him at least he could keep his promise to Jessica. He was gonna to free her no matter what.
"I don't know there are a lot of things I don't know right now actually." Sam said.

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