Ddot x DD Osama:Second Choice pt 2

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This was actually requested by ddxddot1. So yeah,I wasn't even gonna make a part 2 if it wasn't for them.

Third Person
The next day...
David woke up in the hotel. He was tired from all of the crying he did the night before.

After a moment of comfortable silence he checked his phone and saw he had 200 missed calls and 67 messages from Darrian. He skimmed through the messages and most of the them said the same thing.

"I'm sorry David"

"Please call me back"

"Come back home"

"We need to talk"

But there was one message that stood out to him the most,this is what it said


David,I'm really sorry for how I treated you throughout our relationship.  I never meant to make you feel as if you were the second choice to Tiffany. Me and her have been friends since forever so when you get mad about us spending a lot of time together and me putting her above you,I get defensive. I realized that I was completely in the wrong and I apologize. Me being your boyfriend I should've never let someone speak to you like that,whether they're my friend or not. When you left that's when everything really soaked in,I was treating Tiffany as my girlfriend and you as a random person. If it makes you feel any better when you left I called Tiffany and told her that you left me. She called you out your name and said she would be a better partner than you,so I went off on her. So as of right now me and her a no longer friends. I just wanted you to know in case you decide to take me back. David I just want you to know that I sincerely do apologize and that I am willing to do anything just to get you back. Whenever you're ready to talk just come to the house.
P.S. I never slept with Tiffany,I didn't say anything just to get under your skin.

"Wow" is all David could say. In the years they've been together Darrian has never opened up about his emotions or feelings this openly. 

As of now he's not ready to talk to Darrian,but when he is he'll go over.

Now one thing David is happy about is how Tiffany and Darrian aren't friends anymore. "I'm happy he's no longer friends with that dirty bitch,always tryna play with me like I won't beat that ass."

A week later...

Third Person
David had woken up at the hotel.

While collecting his thoughts he remembered that he had to go and get the rest of his clothes from him and Darrian's place.

"Ughhhhh,I don't wanna go over there." As much as he didn't want to leave he had to. He was on his last pair of underwear and outfit so he had to go. Maybe this was a sign from God so that he could go and speak to Darrian.

David got in his car and drove down to him and Darrian's place.

30 minutes later...

He pulled up to the driveway and stopped. "I honestly don't want to go in there but,I'll be able to get my clothes and talk to Darrian. That's basically killing two birds with one stone."

After giving himself that little pep talk,David got out of the car and knocked on the door.

Darrian opened the door kinda shocked to see David. "Hi" he said so awkwardly. "Hi" David said as well.

"Can I come in? I have to get me some clothes."

"Oh" Darrian was a little sad that he only came for clothes and not to talk things out but nonetheless he was happy to see him. This entire week has been nothing but sadness. He didn't feel David's small body around him,or heard his cute voice,or just felt his presence. All he had was himself and that was just depressing.

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