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Jane and Maeve are asleep." Chris said. He closed the bedroom door. 'That's good to hear.' Lizzie replied softly. 'I hardly dare to leave them alone. What if they get kidnapped again?' Chris looked at her anxiously. 'That really doesn't happen. Your house is very well secured.'

'Our house.' Chris corrected her. 'Our house?' Lizzie looked at him in surprise. "As long as you stay here, I want you to feel at home." Chris said. Lizzie's heart started beating faster. "That's sweet of you." she smiled.

Night had now fallen. It had been a long day. After they got home, they introduced Dodger to the twins. Maeve loved the dog, but Jane kept a great distance from the four-legged friend. It was not surprising that Jane found the dog scary. Dodger was quite big and could be quite clumsy.

Chris looked at the clock. It was seven o'clock in the evening. 'It may sound stupid, but I think I'm going to bed soon. I'm so tired.' Chris said. 'I'm going to sleep soon too. It's been a long day.' Lizzie replied. Chris nodded. 'Despite everything, this was the most beautiful day in years.' Chris said. Lizzie smiled. It had indeed been a special day.

'I'm going to my room. If there is anything, just shout.' Chris said. 'I will do. Sleep well.' Lizzie said good night and Chris left for his bedroom. Lizzie watched him go. She still couldn't believe everything that had happened today. This day was so intense.

Lizzie's phone went off. She looked to see who it was and when she saw it was Robbie she sighed. She hadn't thought about him for a second today until now. It seemed like she was back in reality. She had a relationship with Robbie but in the meantime she lived with Chris and her daughters. As if the family had never been apart.

She put her phone back in her pocket and stared into space. She knew it wasn't nice to ignore him but she didn't know what to do. She didn't dare tell him that she was staying at her ex's house. Although she assumed Robbie knew somewhere. The internet was full of articles and videos about Chris, Lizzie, Maeve and Jane.

Lizzie went to her room. She got dressed and then she lay down in her bed. She could use some sleep. Tomorrow it was going to be another long and busy day. Lizzie closed her eyes and soon fell asleep.


It was the next day and Lizzie woke up with a start. She heard crying. It took her a few seconds to realize that that must be one of her children. Lizzie jumped out of bed and rushed to the two girls' bedroom. She walked with her bare feet on the cold ground and she shivered.

"Who's crying?" Lizzie turned around and saw Chris walking behind her. 'No idea.' Lizzie replied. Lizzie opened the bedroom door and found Maeve standing in her bed. She was crying very hard.

'Shhh, quiet down. Mom and Dad are here." She tried to reassure the girl. She picked Maeve up and she sat on the bed. Maeve sat on her lap, crying. What should she do now? She had no experience with small children at all. She rubbed the girl's back comfortingly.

"Where's Jane?" Maeve asked, crying. "He's still sleeping." Lizzie replied softly. She pointed to Jane who was still sleeping peacefully in her crib. "But I want to play with Jane." Maeve said. Lizzie looked at Chris. 'You can play with Jane later. We're going to have breakfast first in a moment.' Chris said to the toddler. The toddler became quiet. 'Do you like pancakes?' He looked at her questioningly. 'Yes!' The girl had a smile on her face. 'That's good to hear because then I will bake pancakes especially for you and Jane. Could you help me?' Maeve nodded.

'Come on, let's go downstairs. Then Mommy will wake Jane up.' Chris looked at Lizzie who pointed uncertainly at herself and Chris nodded. Maeve jumped off Lizzie's lap and gave Chris a hand. "Chris, wait. Wouldn't you rather wake up Jane?' She looked at him questioningly.

'No. You can do this.' Chris said. "But shouldn't we let her sleep a little longer?" Lizzie asked looking at the clock hanging on the wall. 'It's already half past eight. It's best to wake her up.' Chris said. 'Okay.' Lizzie sighed. "We're going down already." Chris took Maeve and left Lizzie alone. Lizzie hesitantly walked to Jane's bed. She sat down on the edge of the bed.

"Jane, wake up." She said softly. There was no response. Lizzie stood up and opened the curtains. She remembered her mother often doing that when she was still sleeping. Lizzie sat back down on the edge of the bed. She gently shook the girl back and forth. Jane opened her eyes.

'Good morning darling.' Lizzie smiled weakly. Jane sat up in her bed and moved back a little when she saw Lizzie. 'Calm down. It's okay. It's me, Mom.' Lizzie said. She tried to reassure the girl but it didn't help much. The girl looked around the room anxiously. 'Would you like to join us for breakfast? Maeve and Dad are already downstairs. They're making pancakes.' Lizzie tried to lure Jane along just the way Chris did with Maeve.

'Pancakes?' Jane's jaw dropped. Lizzie nodded. 'Do you like that?' She looked at the girl curiously. 'Yes!' Jane replied. 'Are you coming? Then we'll go downstairs and check on Dad and Maeve.' Lizzie held out her hand. Jane hesitated for a moment, but she grabbed him anyway and got out of bed.

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