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It was the next day and today Chris had a surprise planned. After his conversation with Lizzie last night on the couch, he suddenly knew for sure. Lizzie was the woman of his dreams. He couldn't imagine life without her. He wanted to marry her.

He wanted to ask her years ago. Just after the girls were born. He had prepared the perfect proposal but suddenly their happiness was disrupted and everything changed. Chris was disappointed that it happened this way, but now years later he knew that maybe it should have happened that way.

They were now together again, were happy, had two beautiful daughters and their four-legged friend Dodger. He had the family he had always dreamed of. Chris thought back to his first meeting with Lizzie. That was already eight and a half years ago!

"Guys, can I have your attention for a moment?" Chris looked up. Kevin Feige had walked into the room and a young woman stood next to him. Chris studied the woman curiously. She looked nice. She had brown hair and her green eyes immediately stood out. Chris thought he recognized her from somewhere, but he couldn't place where he knew her from.

'This is Elizabeth. Elizabeth will play the role of Wanda Maximoff, the Scarlet Witch." Kevin told. "You can also call me Lizzie." Lizzie smiled shyly. 'Welcome Lizzie!' Scarlett immediately took a step forward and welcomed her new colleague.

The other people also walked over to Lizzie to introduce themselves and finally it was Chris's turn. 'Hey, I'm Chris Evans. I play Captain America." He held out his hand. "Elizabeth." Lizzie smiled and gave him her hand. 'Nice to meet you.'

'Likewise. Is this your first film role?' Chris asked curiously. 'No, not that. I've played in a number of films before, but never in a big film like this.' Lizzie told me. "What movies have you been in?" Chris asked. He had become curious now. 'In Secret, Red Lights and a number of other films. I also used to play small roles in my sisters' films and series.'

'Your sisters? Who are your sisters?' Chris asked. Lizzie looked at him in surprise. "You don't know who my sisters are?" She had expected him to know that. 'Nope.'

'Ashley and Mary-Kate Olsen.' she then said. Chris's jaw dropped. "You're an Olsen?" Suddenly the penny dropped. Why hadn't he thought of that before? She looked just like her sisters. They could have been triplets.

'I'm sure you'll have a fantastic time here. Everyone is very nice.' he told her. 'I hope so.' She looked at him shyly. "I'm sure it'll be fine." Chris reassured her. Lizzie smiled weakly.

And that was the first meeting between Chris and Lizzie. Crazy how one meeting had changed his entire life. That conversation was just the beginning of long conversations that followed. And now he was about to ask her to marry him.

The proposal had to be perfect. The kids and Dodger had just been picked up by his parents and Chris had asked Lizzie to put on her best dress. He told her they were going to a fancy restaurant for dinner. Of course that wasn't true, but he didn't want to give away the surprise. Everything had to remain a surprise.

Chris himself had put on a tuxedo. He stood in the bathroom and looked critically at himself in the mirror. He grabbed a comb and combed his hair again. He also checked his pocket again to see if the box with the ring was still in it. He had had that box in his house for months.

After Chris was done in the bathroom he knocked on Lizzie's door. The door opened. 'How do I look?' Lizzie asked. Chris's jaw dropped. 'You look beautiful.' He complimented her. Lizzie was wearing a beautiful white dress and her hair was hanging loose. She had earrings in her ears and she was wearing the necklace Chris had once given her.

"Are you ready to go?" Lizzie asked. "Um, yeah." Chris checked again to see if the box was still in his pocket. He couldn't bear to think about forgetting the box. 'What are you doing?' Lizzie asked. 'Nothing. Come on, let's go.' Chris put his arm around her and they walked towards the car together.

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